3 worrying causes of hip itching

3 worrying causes of hip itching

Hip itching can be frustrating, especially if you’re in public. Itching in the breech area may be a sign that you have serious health problems. In order not to experience frequent itching, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the area. However, if the problem is not resolved, you may be experiencing one of these 3 problems.


Giving information to his followers with the shares he made from his TikTok account, Dr. Christal Blanchard has published a vifro noteworthy about itching. Saying that there can be 3 reasons for itching, Dr. Blanchard emphasized that if recurring symptoms are experienced, a doctor should be consulted.


Dr. Blanchard said those with itchy hips may suffer from a vitamin A deficiency. Dr. Blanchard: “You can detect vitamin A deficiency through your doctor. You should not start taking vitamin A without consulting your doctor and you should not exceed the doses recommended by your doctor. Because high doses of uncontrolled vitamin A supplements can damage the liver.” said.



One of the causes of frequently itchy buttocks may be a lack of stomach acid. You can do some tests at home to find out about stomach acid deficiency. When you wake up in the morning, mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with 120 ml of water and drink it on an empty stomach. Keep minutes after drinking and pay attention to when you burp. If you burp in less than 2-3 minutes, your stomach acid is normal. Otherwise, you may be experiencing stomach acid deficiency.



Dr. Blanchard suggested that the third possible cause of itchy hips could be a parasite. He said: “If you have an itchy buttock at night or feel restless at night, it may be due to a parasite.” A parasite, also known as intestinal worms, can cause diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, nausea, and sudden weight loss due to poor nutritional absorption.
