3 Turkish Game Developer Sisters Are Making a Name in the Global Gaming Industry

3 Turkish Game Developer Sisters Are Making a Name in

Founded in 2020, headquartered in Kocaeli Turkish gaming company Happy Crab, has a different story than other game studios. Three sisters founded the successful game studio. The brothers, who were extremely successful on their journey under the umbrella of Bilisim Vadisi, developed games that reached millions of players globally. The success of three Turkish game developer sisters sets an example for many people in the industry.

Happy Crab Game Developer Founded by 3 Turkish Sisters

Happy Crab, founded by sisters Havva Nur Solhan, İclal Solhan and Şevval Solhan, Turkish gaming companies managed to have an important place among From brothers who are devoted to digital game design Havva Nur Solhan He graduated from Istanbul University Management Information Systems Department and is the oldest of his siblings.

Graduated from Istanbul University Graphic Design Department. Şevval Solhan and a student at Aydın University Digital Game Design Department. İclal Solhan She, along with her sisters, has an important share in the success of the company. CEO of Havva Nur Solhan Happy Crab; It has reached more than 60 million downloads with more than 50 games they have released to date.

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The total number of games developed to date by 3 sisters, who carry out game development activities with a talented team under the roof of Happy Crab, is more than 100. Their games are popular globally Happy Crab’s success It attracts the attention of both local and foreign companies.

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Dozens of Games Downloaded from 177 Countries

The game developer stated that their aim is to introduce the Turkish gaming industry to the world and, in parallel, to increase our country’s exports. Solhan brothers; He states that their biggest goal is to become a mobile game studio known for its quality games.

of your games United States of America Solhan Kardeşler emphasized that it was downloaded from 177 countries around the world and played in these countries; They underline that millions of players from very different cultures such as China, the Netherlands and France are in demand for their games.

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Stating that they have been playing games together since their childhood and that they have knowledge about both games and players. Solhan Brothers; game studios Happy Crab Games They state that it has attracted the attention of local and foreign investors thanks to its success.
