3 tricks to relieve a hangover – do this

After a weekend with lots of festivities and some alcohol, you can feel quite worn out and tired. Sometimes the hangover also comes like a letter in the post and you can feel really sick.

That’s why you get a hangover when you drink alcohol

A hangover is what happens when the alcohol has left the body. Then you can become nauseous, get anxiety, feel depressed, get a headache and feel sore in the body, writes Systembolaget.

You get a hangover because the alcohol enters every cell in your body when you drink, because alcohol is water soluble. But there are actually some simple tricks that can relieve a hangover.

This is how you relieve your hangover

  • Drink in moderation so you don’t get drunk
  • Drink plenty of water before the party, during the party but also after
  • Stop drinking alcohol before midnight
  • If you’ve got a hangover, there is, according to liquor store, not much you can do about it. If you have a hangover, you just have to wait it out. Getting fresh air and sleeping are two things that many people usually think are nice to do then, but it’s nothing that actually relieves.
