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Where, when, how and why do men remove their hair? Researchers carried out the investigation.
Did you know ? Nearly one in two French people trim, shave or wax their private parts. No more gender stereotypes linked to hair removal: men are doing it too. At least that’s what emerges from a new study, conducted by Wilkinson Sword and Ipsos.
The youngest… are those who least appreciate having hair
According to the survey, younger people (18-34 years old) are significantly more likely to remove hair from their private parts or armpits (62% and 52% respectively). Among those over 60, there are certainly fewer of them but still 25% take care of their private parts.
Overall, all ages combined, nearly one in two French people remove hair from their private parts.
This choice is above all motivated “for aesthetic reasons (48%) although the feeling of “cleanliness” provided is also often mentioned (44%)“.
“Feel better in your body (40%)” is also one of the reasons given by men aged 18-34.
Another interesting observation: love has a direct impact on said hair.
“For more than 1 in 5 men, this choice is motivated by wanting to please his/her partner (22%)“, details the study.
Conversely, more than 1 in 10 men would like not to shave.because he would feel less manly if he did“.
When and where do men shave?
Two fundamental questions, which offer some nice surprises.
While men are fairly regular in maintaining their body hair – nearly half shave their private parts and armpits several times a month (44% and 43% respectively), or even every week (22% and 23%) – 31% of them no longer want to see any hair during the summer.
Regarding the method used, the razor and the trimmer are the big winners.
“Whether for the torso (72%), private parts (82%) or armpits (82%), men overwhelmingly favor the razor and/or trimmer to remove their hair.“, confirms the study.
The shower cabin: the best place to shave
Despite what the ladies say, men also enjoy spending (a lot of) time in the bathroom. And this is to take care of their body hair (70%).
“The shower cabin also seems to stand out since almost half of men choose it to take care of their hair (41%) while a very small minority goes to an institute (4%) or to the dermatologist ( 2%)“, concludes the press release.