3 mistakes we make too often at breakfast, according to a naturopath

3 mistakes we make too often at breakfast according to

Ideally, the first meal of the day should give pride of place to foods rich in vitamins and minerals and contain sufficient fiber, which promotes satiety. But our breakfast is not always ideal. A naturopath has drawn up a list of the mistakes we most often make when getting out of bed.

For many of us, breakfast is pretty much the same thing every day. For ease, often. For lack of dietary knowledge or inspiration, too. “It is quite difficult to change our habits”, recognizes Marina Ganivet, naturopath. ” We have a special relationship with coffeewe love pastries… But if we feel tired or hungry in the morning, it’s because the right food combinations were not present at breakfast. You must then listen to yourself and adapt this meal according to your feelings. »

On the same subject

Mistake #1: breakfast without being hungry

“It is not obligatory to little-breakfast as soon as you get out of bed! asserts our expert. If you are not hungry, you should not feel obliged to swallow something “to do well”. Our body tells us that we may have eaten too much the day before, and that our digestive system did not have time to finish his work properly. We don’t force ourselves. »

The right reflex? Drink a glass of water or an infusion, and have a fruit or snack – almonds, for example – to munch on in the morning, if hunger arises later. »

Mistake #2: overeating when getting out of bed

“It is customary to say that one must ‘breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a beggar”, notes Marina Ganivet. This may have been true at one time, when jobs were more physically demanding. Today, it is necessary toadapt our little lunchnoter the level of physical activity that we will have during the morning. It must be remembered that more than one little lunch is copious, the more difficult it is to digest, with possible drowsiness in the morning. »

Mistake #3: Eating a traditional breakfast

“The traditional French breakfast is hyper acidifying: rich in refined sugars and saturated fats, which are the basis for inflammatory diseases,” underlines our expert.

The buttered baguette topped with jam? Our latte? Hot croissants? Dairy products ? ” All this should remain exceptional, assures the naturopath. These foods harm our liver and our digestive system, requiring our pancreas to produce a lot of insulin… At the moment, we feel full, but two hours later, it’s guaranteed to take a turn for the worse. »

Advice from the naturopath

  • Hydrate as soon as you wake up: it’s a healthy gesture that I recommend to everyone: slowly drink a large glass of water at room temperature when getting up, before small-lunch, advises the naturopath. This gently wakes up the digestive system and rehydrates us after several hours without drinking. The juice of half a lemon diluted in a glass of lukewarm water may also be indicated. In a treatment of a few weeks, it relieves the liver.
  • Opt for an alternative to coffee: iAlso, it is better to avoid consuming coffee – which is very acidifying – as soon as you wake up. If you can’t do without it, you try at least to wait until the 10 a.m. break, and you limit yourself to two cups per day. Alternatives: chai tea, rooibos or a plant infusion, chicory – if possible unroasted -, hot chocolate with a vegetable drink with unsweetened cocoa, spices (cinnamon, vanilla, etc.), a Comforting and anti-inflammatory “golden milk”, made from a vegetable drink and turmeric…

Our expert: Marina Ganivet, naturopath in Arcachon.
