3-hour gangster epic that was banned in Germany for almost 30 years (although it is a masterpiece)

3 hour gangster epic that was banned in Germany for almost

Very few films burn themselves into the memory of entire generations as much as Brian De Palma’s Scarface with Al Pacino did. The film shines with a brutal story about the rise and fall of the unscrupulous gangster Tony Montana and will be on TV on Sunday evening.

What is Scarface, the mega-classic gangster film, about?

The world is yours: Tony Montana lives by this motto after coming to the USA as an immigrant from Cuba. In Miami, he quickly works his way from rags to riches and will stop at nothing to do so. Anyone who refuses to be bribed will be killed, and anyone who refuses to work with the scarred face will also be killed.

Over time, however, the drug baron’s success goes to his head. He takes too much of his own medicine, becomes paranoid and picks up the wrong people. His misguided protective instincts cause chaos in the family around his sister and Tony’s best friend. Ultimately, he also has to deal with a number of killer squads that are sent after him.

Universal Pictures

For many fans, Scarface is clearly the best film by Al Pacino and also by Brian De Palma.

Scarface is a milestone in film history and the gangster epic par excellence

Here we get the complete saga of the drug baron from start to finish. Despite the tough approach, it is really fun to witness the rise and see how successful and cold-blooded Tony Montana is in asserting himself. Of course, this makes the unstoppable decline, which is celebrated by Brian De Palma just like the rest.

Al Pacino shines here in his signature role as a gangster boss. Many moments are unforgettable: his coke-fueled hate tirades in the pool or restaurant are only surpassed by the brutal finale. Why settle for individual lines when you can just stick your whole face in a mountain of coke and then face your enemies?

No wonder then that the film in its unabridged “18+” version was banned for a long time In May 2011, however, it was removed from the list and Scarface was dropped from the index. But the film unfolds its full power in every version.

TV or stream: When and where is Scarface shown?

Art shows the gangster film on Sunday, May 26, 2024, at 22:10We assume that this is an abridged version, but unfortunately there is currently no information on this. The previously banned film was already shown uncut on ARD, and Arte may also broadcast this version.

If you prefer to watch Scarface online, you can do that too: It is available on Amazon Prime Video as part of the subscription and streaming flat rateOtherwise, the film can also be bought or rented from Magenta TV, Amazon, Apple TV, Maxdome or Google.

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