3 Great Star Wars Moments Scratched From The Obi-Wan Series

3 Great Star Wars Moments Scratched From The Obi Wan Series

Every major Star Wars project changes over the course of its creation. Screenplays are written and discarded, scenes are rethought and re-shot. And then a simple cut can change an entire story. So has Obi-Wan Kenobi, the new Star Wars series on Disney+ a long journey behind.

Originally a feature film was planned, which should be the impetus for a Kenobi trilogy with Ewan McGregor. This was revealed by Stuart Beattie, who was in the Initial phase as a screenwriter functioned. Many of Beattie’s ideas were carried over into the Obi-Wan series. Others didn’t make it in.

Of course, we can only speculate how Beattie’s Kenobi trilogy would have turned out. Nevertheless, the screenwriter has had several in recent weeks reveal exciting scenes, which we would have loved to have seen on the big screen or on Disney+. We have compiled the three best in this article.

Attention, follow spoiler!

Scene 1: Darth Vader takes on the Emperor


The Emperor in Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Obi-Wan series explores the relationship between Darth Vader and the Emperor at the very end. In Beattie’s version, the two characters would have clashed at an earlier point in time – with unexpected outcome.

[Der Imperator] sends Vader to a moon to crush a rebel uprising and demands, ‘Forget Kenobi, forget Kenobi.’ And then I had this funny dialogue where Vader says, ‘Kenobi is one of the two biggest threats in the galaxy.’ The Emperor replies, ‘Too bad you didn’t kill him when you had the chance.’ And Vader replies, ‘The other one [Bedrohung] is Yoda.’

We haven’t seen that many times in Star Wars history that someone contradicts the Emperor. It would have been quite interesting tension between the two villains to explore.

Scene 2: Commander Cody’s expedition to the Sarlacc Pit

© 20th Century Studios

Commander Cody in Revenge of the Sith

With Commander Cody, Beattie would have brought back the clone trooper who, at Order 66, Opened fire on Obi-Wan Has. Cody would have acted as an unexpected ally, embarking on an expedition to the Sarlacc Pit.

Cody was with Owen and there were some bounty hunters who spotted Obi-Wan… they had to get rid of the bodies somehow. And what do you do with dead bodies on Tatooine that you want to get rid of? Oh well, one visits the local Sarlacc mine. […] As they dump the bodies in the Sarlacc, a speeder comes by. They draw their guns and are spotted by the other people. [Die zwei Parteien] staring at each other, ‘Are we all going to kill each other now?’ But then the others just open their trunk and a couple of Stormtroopers come out, which they also throw in the Sarlacc.

Beattie would have taken the joke even further. The next speeder was supposed to bring a drunk Jawa to the scene trying to get rid of a giant alien in the pit. That sounds extremely amusing and great.

Scene 3: Obi-Wan fights the evil Luke Skywalker

© 20th Century Studios

Luke in The Empire Strikes Back

Here we come to arguably the boldest Star Wars moment in years. Beattie toyed with the idea of ​​using Obi-Wan Vision of power after Mustafar to send and fight there against an evil Luke Skywalker.

[Obi-Wan] sees a man in a dark cloak and wielding a red lightsaber. He says, ‘Anakin, Anakin, Anakin!’ However, when the caped man approaches and raises his lightsaber, we see that it is Luke. Mark Hamill, 19. Luke attacks and the two have a lightsaber fightthe [die Höhlenszene aus] The Empire Strikes Back reflects. Luke nearly kills Obi-Wan, but then Obi-Wan is snapped out of his vision.

Yes, the scene sounds incredible and probably would have some Discussions in the fandom unleashed. In this case, implementation would have been decisive. Because the idea itself sounds exciting and would have welded the prequel and the original trilogy together even more.

Whether we’ll ever see cheeky Vader, Cody’s Sarlacc adventure, and Obi-Wan’s vision of the Force in a Star Wars film or series, may be doubted. It’s still possible. The Mandalorian is the best example of how scrapped plans are occasionally picked up at Lucasfilm and implemented in a different form.

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