3 grams a day is enough: Melts fat at lightning speed

3 grams a day is enough Melts fat at lightning

Visceral fat, also known as visceral fat, is stored deep in the abdomen, unlike subcutaneous fat that can be seen under the skin. A certain amount of visceral fat is needed to protect and insulate vital organs. However, too much can be dangerous.


Having an excessive amount of visceral fat is known to lead to a number of problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. The main causes of excess visceral fat include unhealthy diet and inactivity. A popular spice to add to your diet can help eliminate visceral fat.


Cumin can increase healthy cholesterol levels by lowering triglyceride levels. Having healthy cholesterol levels makes you less likely to gain weight.

Cumin can also help you get rid of visceral fat by raising your metabolic rate and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

In the experiments, it was determined that those who added 3 grams of cumin to a bowl of yogurt every day and consumed it lost weight faster than the others.

The study results wrote: “Cumin powder reduced serum levels of fasting cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) and increased high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol). Weight, body mass index, waist circumference, fat mass and percentage were significantly reduced.


Some studies in previous years have shown that cumin may have blood lipid and weight-reducing effects.
