3 exercises against back pain in pregnant women

3 exercises against back pain in pregnant women

The lumbar area and the sacrum are put to the test during pregnancy. Here are some practical exercises to practice to relieve back pain when you are pregnant.

Back pain is common to all pregnant women during pregnancy. With the weight of the baby and the evolution of the size of the belly, we tend to be more arched during pregnancy, and back pain is felt. So much so that some future mothers even have difficulty sleeping well, especially at the end of pregnancy. “It is very interesting to work on the mobility and the tilting of the pelvis forwards and backwards during pregnancy because poor posture is responsible for many mechanical problems in the lower back and in the pelvis.“, explains Muriel, osteopath and expert for Yogin Mama. In addition, during these nine months of pregnancy, the abdominal strap, which stretches, becomes less toned, and the back becomes more hollow. To relieve pregnant back pain, here are some exercises to practice :

1 – The cat/cow posture

Position yourself on all fours, hands under the shoulders, knees apart. While inhaling, push your pelvis up, to stretch the spine. While exhaling, then tilt the pelvis down by rounding the spine. Repeat the exercise for 10 breaths. This posture mobilizes the entire lumbar spine and relieves the lower back.

Cow Cat Pose © Yogin Mama
Cow Cat Pose © Yogin Mama

2- The posture of the windshield wiper

To stretch your back, especially the sides, sit down with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your legs, and turn them to one side then the other. Repeat the exercise for 10 breaths.

wiper posture © Yogin Mama

3 – The Twist Pose

Still seated, knees bent and feet placed in the center in front of you, inhale while stretching your spine towards the sky. While exhaling, then bring the left hand on the shin, and perform a slight twist to the right. Do the same on the other side and repeat the exercise ten times.

Twist Pose © Yogin Mama

These exercises are proposed by Justine, creator of the platform Yogi Mamawhich offers online activities for future and young mothers, with a subscription at 29.99 euros per month or 300 euros per year.
