3 essential drinks to digest your holiday meals

3 essential drinks to digest your holiday meals

The festivities begin! To avoid bloating, nausea, stomach aches or other digestive discomforts, here are the drinks to prepare for yourself.

With these drinks, it will go away on its own! Eyes shine, taste buds become impatient… When holiday meal time approaches, all our senses are alert, but be careful to anticipate what’s next. Particularly at the digestive level. Nothing worse than ending your evening lying down because of a terrible stomach ache, of abdominal pain…or worse on the toilet. To avoid these digestive inconveniences, here are the drinks to have on hand. You’ll see, you’ll stay light!

An infusion of anise seeds (easy!)

All you have to do is buy green anise or fennel seeds (in the supermarket in the spice section or organic store) and infuse them in a cup of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes (count a teaspoon per cup). Drink after meals, up to three times a day. Green anise herbal tea contains a molecule (E-anethol) which stimulates digestion, relieves bloating, intestinal gas, intestinal and stomach cramps and nausea. Fennel seeds have the same properties.

A herbal tea of ​​mint leaves

Mint helps with digestion, fights against bloating, it calms pain… You absolutely must have it to stay light during holiday meals. Just buy fresh mint leaves that you can brew in hot water at the end of a meal (as if you were preparing a mint “tea”) or buy it in the form of a sachet (prefer organic to ensure a better quality plant) and infuse it in a cup of hot water. For optimize the “digestion” effect, add some thin slices of fresh ginger in water. It is also renowned for its digestive benefits (but you have to love its taste).

Sparkling water (rich in bicarbonates)

Nothing is simpler to have at your side to properly digest a meal that promises to be rich and heavy than sparkling water. The advantage of sparkling water is that it contains bicarbonates which neutralize the acidity generated in the stomach by the consumption of fatty foods. His bubbles also alleviate the feeling of heaviness that we can feel when we eat too much. Ideally, favor waters richest in bicarbonates such as Badoit®, Saint-Yorre® or Vichy Célestin® while monitoring their sodium content if you are prone to hypertension. In this case, you will simply 2 glasses instead of 3, to drink after lunch.
