3 (easy) tips to avoid routine in your relationship

3 easy tips to avoid routine in your relationship

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    in collaboration with

    Siyana Mincheva (Psychologist, psychotherapist)

    When you have been in a relationship for several years, routine can set in over time. So how can you breathe new life into your life together? Here are the tips from Siyana Mincheva, psychologist.

    After five or ten years of living together, or even more for some, routine finally sets in. The partners end up following a monotonous daily life, which no longer surprises them. If you recognize yourself in this description and want to break the routine, here are three easy-to-implement tips.

    Rekindle the flame with your partner

    To break the routine in your relationship, you have to rekindle the flame of feelings that may have disappeared over time. “Try to rediscover your partner and put the relationship back in the spirit of flirting, as during the couple’s first months.” advises Siyana Mincheva. “PTo do this, you have to take time to talk with your partner, arrange to meet them without telling them why, create moments where you can talk and get together, at the cinema or in a restaurant for example. These are not necessarily very expensive things to do, and it is something pleasant and funny, because we often discover unexpected or unsuspected facets in each other.”.

    Have common projects

    Beyond taking time for yourself and for others, you also need to have common projects to revive your relationship. “This can be cooking together, getting involved in an association, playing a sport together, buying a house… This strengthens the couple and gives them a second wind.” assures Siyana Mincheva.

    Spice up your sex life

    Siyana Mincheva’s third piece of advice concerns the couple’s intimate life, which has also often become routine over the years. “Spicing up your sex life is often a good way to revive your life as a couple and break the routine” she says. “This allows you to share new emotions and take into account both the other, their pleasure, but also yourself and your own pleasure..

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