3 characteristic signs of a narcissistic person

3 characteristic signs of a narcissistic person

A narcissistic person has a high opinion of themselves and believes that their needs are higher than those of others. If it is difficult to make generalities (each person being unique), certain signs can alert.

1. A sense of superiority over others

She has one high self-esteem And think you deserve more than others“, explains Line Mourey, psychologist. The person believes that his opinion is superior to those of others. “She has, for example, trouble with receiving criticism.“Nevertheless, we must not confuse someone who suffers from a disorder of the narcissistic personality (psychiatric pathology) and someone who has a narcissistic personality (which is not pathological in itself). “Although often annoying, narcissists are not necessarily to be avoided, unlike people with narcissistic personality disorder.“, emphasizes the specialist. “Certain people or certain behaviors can inspire us! Gaining a modicum of narcissism can be very helpful. Lacking too much, we get too fragile and insufficient self-esteem, source of several types of psychological difficulties“, she completes.

2. An attractive, charming person… at first glance (only)

Narcissists know how to play their charm, especially to exploit those around them. They adapt their communication in order to get what they want. “It can be very flattering for the interlocutor to receive so much attention from this type of person, especially in the professional environment. Often, they can say to themselves ”This person is wonderful, he impresses me and interests me. It is therefore that I have value”“, says Line Mourey. In the intimate sphere, on the other hand, narcissistic people can be self-centered. And lack compassion as our specialist explains. “They appreciate draw attentionsurround yourself well, arouse admiration and can therefore be demanding and harsh with their partner. They can, for example, ask the partner to continually surpass themselves (have a better job, a prettier appearance, etc.), but without it overshadowing them either.“, she details.

3. A constant need for attention and appreciation

These persons can’t stand the lack of interest, but may -paradoxically- not be as attentive to others. They can also feel little affection for others.They won’t put up with the partner arriving late or forgetting their birthday, but it’s not going to be reciprocated.“, emphasizes the psychologist. In a couple, some narcissistic people will not support that the relationship is “acquired”. “Having a partner who challenges them can please them, otherwise they get bored. Others, on the contrary, go need to be reassured on this point and want to see themselves shine continually in the eyes of their companion“, analyzes the therapist. In the professional context, a colleague with narcissistic traits is not necessarily easier to manage! This need for attention can generate rivalry or even jealousy. “Convinced of being the best, he can take up a lot of space in the company, even if it means suffocating others. He will, for example, claim the best office or various advantages, cut off the floor in a meeting or claim his success.“, explains Line Mourey. He will have to difficult to question oneself and to begin introspection. It is also rare for a narcissistic person to come to therapy.

Thanks to Line Mourey, psychologist
