$ 2M Fire Ravages Downtown Tilbury Building

2M Fire Ravages Downtown Tilbury Building

A Friday Evening Blaze in Downtown Tilbury Caused $ 2 million in Damage, Displacing Businesses and Tenants, Chatham-Kent Fire Officials Say.


CREWS WERE CALLED AT 7 PM To 14 Queen St. N., With a Total of 18 Apparatus and 58 FIREFIGHTERS RESPONSING FROM Six Stations.

“Businesses Occupy the First Storey with Apartments Above on the Second Storey,” Fire Officials Said in a Release Saturdy Morning.

“There are Displaced Occupants that are in the Care of Victim Services and CKPS (Chatham-Kent Police Service). No reported injuries.”

Lisponding Stations included Stations 1 and 2 Chatham, Station 15 Raleigh North, Station 17 Merlin, Station 19 Tilbury and Station 20 Wheatley.

“Fire and water damage is extensive with roof collapse,” with the cause currently listed as undetermined, official added.

Chatham-Kent Firefighters are Shown in Downtown Tilbury. (Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue)

Crews Remained at the Scene Saturday, with Queen Street North Still Closed to Traffic and Pedestrians.


In A Social Media Post, Mark Authier, to train West Kent Councillor, Called It a “Sad Night” in Tilbury.

“My Heartfelt Wishes for the Businesses and the Employees to Hopefully Get Back Running If Not in the Current Location, in Another. Also, to the Tenant that Live Lived These Businesses,” He Said.

Authier Later Added that Two People Were Displaced from Their Apartments. The Tilbury Help Center Will Collect items for them starting monday.

He Credited Fire Crews for Working in Windy Conditions and Preventing Further Damage To The Block.

“To all the Firefighters that Helped Battle the Blaze, Thank You,” He Said. “I know there were not only Our Tilbury Firefighters, but many from Out of Town.”

Mayor Darrin Canniff Said Support Services have been dispatched to help the affected tenants and business.

“Once Again, we saw the importance of the impressive collaboration between all the stations and the fire chiefs from throughout chatham-kent,” he Said.

It was the second significant fire this year in a downtown chatham-kent community, with a $ 3 million blaze occurring on main street in bothwell in January.

There we no injuries reported in that fire, However, It Devastated Several Businesses and also Impact the Post Office.

Tilbury Fire 3
Crews Attack the Fire at 14 Queen St. N. in Tilbury. (Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue)
Tilbury Fire 4
Queen Street North in Downtown Tilbury Remained Closed Saturday in the wake of Friday’s fire. (Trevor Terfloth/The Daily News)

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