29 weeks of pregnancy (31 weeks): are you having contractions?

29 weeks of pregnancy 31 weeks are you having contractions

You are now entering the 29th week of pregnancy, or 31 SA. Baby weighs more and more on your perineum and you may already feel some contractions. Discover the advice and recommendations of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife on this 31st week of amenorrhea.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, or 31 SA, you begin to be more tired, and to feel pain in the lower abdomen. Some mothers-to-be, on the contrary, have a real boost of energy! At this stage, the position of the baby may have changed and no doubt it has turned around in your belly to position yourself upside down as childbirth approaches. As the birth draws near, think about your childcare arrangements and start thinking, if you wish, about the style of birth announcement you want to send to your loved ones to tell them the good news. here are the advice from our midwife Anh-Chi Ton on this 29th week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

  • In week of amenorrhea : the 29th week of pregnancy corresponds to 31 weeks of amenorrhea (31 SA),
  • Month : You are always in your seventh month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

At 29 weeks pregnant, you may feel like baby presses on your perineum. Your uterus continues to grow: it now reaches your chest, resulting in more frequent shortness of breath. Plus, as your heart beats faster, you also tire more quickly. Lower abdominal pain can also be felt. Do not forget to continue to observe good food reflexes and a healthy lifestyle to avoid listeriosis and toxoplasmosis (if you are not immune). Also remember to protect yourself from urinary tract infections by hydrating yourself sufficiently.

What to do in case of contractions at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

In a few weeks, you will be a mom! Your body is preparing for this birth and it is not abnormal that you are already feeling contractions. This hardening of the belly lasts a few seconds, then the tension is released. As long as they are not painful and regular, they should have no effect on your cervix. Beyond about fifteen contractions per day, it is better to quickly consult your doctor who will make sure that all is well.

“In case of contractions, it is recommended to rest, take a spasfon, doliprane and relax in a hot bath.. If, despite all this, the contractions continue and there are more than ten during the day, you have to go to the emergency room to check the cervix. Even if there is no threat of premature delivery, with a very shortened cervix, we can stop working, allow the woman to organize her work time and her daily life to avoid fatigue. .”, eexplains Anh-Chi Ton.

“In case of contractions, it is recommended to rest, take a spasfon, doliprane and relax in a hot bath”.

What weight gain at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

THE third trimester of pregnancy is a period during which you will gain the most weight, not less than 400g per week. For your health and that of your baby, this weight gain must be measured. If you have difficulty controlling your appetite or crave sweets or pastries too often, talk to your doctor, who can refer you to a specialist.

What is the position of the baby at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

During the seventh month of pregnancy, some babies have already rolled over in their mother’s womb. If so, you can feel when he gives you small kicks in the rib cage. “At this stage, he can still turn around. However, some babies will turn over on their own later, around 34 or 35 weeks. But we prefer that he be in the cephalic position during the 3rd ultrasound which takes place around 32 SA.”, explains the midwife.

“At this stage, he can still turn over. Some babies, however, will turn over on their own later, around 34 or 35 SA”.

What is the normal weight of a 29 week fetus?

Your baby has grown a lot and is starting to really run out of room in your belly. It now weighs 32 cm for about 1.5 kg.

Some babies are more active than others and continue to move at a brisk pace, even though they are now running out of room in the womb. If your baby has a different rhythm to yours, such as being very active at night, this can affect your health and the quality of your sleep. Even if it’s difficult, take things on the bright side, it means your baby is in great shape!

How is the fetus developing at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

The maturation of his respiratory system continues. In this end of seventh month of pregnancy appears in particular what is called surfactant, a substance secreted by the pulmonary alveoli and which is essential for respiration. It will allow the lungs to detach when your baby inhales.

  • Your baby is now able to appreciate the flavor of the amniotic fluid in which he bathes.
  • Its taste changes depending on what you eat. It is therefore the ideal time to eat a variety of foods and to introduce him to many tastes.
  • His other senses also continue to refine. Your baby is now able to detect variations in light. His retina is still inactive.
  • He also distinguishes sounds more and more precisely, and now knows perfectly how to recognize voices, especially those of his dad and his mom. Consider talking to him, telling him stories, making him listen to music.

When is the next ultrasound due?

Only a week left before seeing your baby again! There last pregnancy ultrasound approach. It is important in more ways than one. Not only to measure baby’s growth, but also to check its position in your belly.

What to do at 29 weeks pregnant?

While your seventh month of pregnancy is coming to an end, why not start thinking about how you want to announce the birth of your baby to your loved ones?

Consider the birth announcement

If you feel like an artist, you can quite develop and make your birth announcement yourself. You can also decide on the design and have it printed near you. Other option: make your announcement online (there are many announcement sites), and choose home delivery.

Nursery registration

If you plan to entrust your child to the crèchedo not forget to make your registration during your pregnancy. In some large cities, places in crèches are rare, so it is better to start early. Have you completed your file? In this case, do not forget to follow up very regularly with the director of the crèche where your child could be looked after. By showing your motivation, you will have a better chance of getting the much-desired place. You should also know that if you are expecting twins, you will be given priority. Twin pregnancy is good!

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
