28 weeks of pregnancy (30 SA): how is the baby positioned?

28 weeks of pregnancy 30 SA how is the baby

You are now in your 28th week of pregnancy. Fatigue is making a comeback and your belly is getting heavier and heavier. As you approach childbirth in this 30th week of amenorrhea, you may also feel some contractions. Baby’s position, weight… Here are the recommendations of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, for a week in great shape.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy or 30 WATHE seventh month of your pregnancy continues. From now on, as the birth draws closer and baby draws on your reserves, you need to rest and take care of yourself. Baby, meanwhile, continues to grow and now looks a lot like the newborn you’ll soon meet. His body is more and more plump and his senses are refined. In this 28th week of pregnancy, you have no ultrasound or medical appointment. The opportunity to start thinking about decorating and furnishing the baby’s room. Also think about your childbirth preparation sessions. Here is the advice of our midwife Anh-Chi Ton on this 30th week of amenorrhea.

How many months and SA at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

  • During the week of amenorrhea: the 28th week of pregnancy corresponds to 30 weeks of amenorrhea (30 SA).
  • Month : you continue your seventh month of pregnancy

What symptoms at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

Among the most frequent symptoms at 30 SA: fatigue, frequent urges to urinate, back and stomach pain, but also heavy leg problems. In this case, remember to elevate your legs at the end of the day and/or to sleep at night. In the shower, get into the habit of running a stream of cold water over your legs, working your way up from the ankles to the hips. “Compression stockings are really the most effective against heavy legs. Do not hesitate to ask a doctor or midwife for a prescription. It can also be useful if the woman is planning a trip to the museum, a shopping trip or if she is on her feet a lot at work.“, recommends Anh-Chi Ton.

“Compression stockings are really the most effective against heavy legs”.

How is the belly at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

In this beginning of seventh month of pregnancy, your belly increases in volume. This is normal: your baby, who now measures 36 cm and weighs 1.5 kgneeds more and more space.

How are the contractions at 28 weeks pregnant?

Your uterus is preparing for childbirth and you may feel contractions right now. Not painful, they have no effect on the cervix and do not mean that childbirth is imminent. However, listen to your body if these contractions become painful and regular. It is better to consult quickly in order to detect a possible premature labor.

What recommended weight gain at 30 SA?

At 28 weeks pregnant, you should have gained around 8 to 9 kg.

When to have the 3rd trimester ultrasound?

The third trimester ultrasound is coming up. In a few weeks, you will see your baby again. This will be the last time before delivery. If you are pregnant with twins, you see your babies every month, the follow-up of twin pregnancies being more intense. At this stage, ultrasound is intended to assess the growth of babies, but also the state of the placenta.

What is the risk of giving birth at 30 weeks of amenorrhea?

If baby were born at this stage, he would be very premature. Its organs are still immature (digestive system, heart, brain etc.). Her lungs are not fully functional, as they are not yet secreting surfactant (this is why the mother is given corticosteroids in case of preterm labour)”, says the midwife. In effect, a baby born at 30 SA has difficulty adjusting to life outside the womb, especially for digestion. “He is also more susceptible to respiratory infections. He does not yet have a sucking reflex and must therefore be fed by tube”she adds.

As the due date approaches, the anxieties associated with childbirth become more present. Rest assured, this is absolutely normal. What frightens in childbirth, beyond the fear of not knowing how to manage the pain, is the unknown. Birth is a great mystery that precipitates future mothers into a totally new universe. A good way to overcome these anxieties is to simply talk about them. Ask your midwife all the questions that concern you: what the pains of contractions look like, when to go to the maternity ward, when can you have the epidural, can you drink or eat, what role can the dad play. Even if each childbirth is unique, having certain answers will reassure you.

“It may be interesting, if the mother-to-be feels the need, to consult a psychologist to discuss these issues. There are very significant psychological changes during pregnancy and, if each woman has her story, her past, her difficult experiences , these sessions can be very beneficial. To evoke the anxiety of childbirth of course, but not only. The psychologist is really an additional interlocutor“, explains the midwife.

What is baby’s weight and height at 28 weeks pregnant?

Thanks to the layer of fat that gradually forms under his skin, your baby appears more and more plump. He now weighs almost 1.5 kg and is about 36 cm tall.

How does the fetus develop at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

  • Her hair continues to grow and thicken.
  • Her little fingernails are also forming.
  • He begins to learn to regulate his temperature,
  • Baby continues to mature his respiratory system, especially with the formation of blood vessels in his lungs.
  • His respiratory movements are better and better coordinated.
  • If your baby is a boy, his testicles continue to descend.

What is the position of the baby at 30 SA?

At 28 weeks pregnant, your baby may be in the cephalic position, head down, transversely or in the seat, that is to say the buttocks down! We are talking about complete seat when baby is sitting on his buttocks with his knees bent, and uncompleted seat when her legs are raised towards her face. “At this stage, its position is variable, but it is still small and can therefore turn. However, around the echo of the 3rd trimester, that is to say around 32 SA, we like that he presents himself upside down in a cephalic position.“, specifies Anh-Chi Ton.

“At this stage, his position is variable, but he is still small and can therefore turn around”.

In recent weeks, your baby’s brain has really grown in size. Result : in the seventh month of pregnancy, your child is increasingly sensitive and attentive to his surroundings, especially to light and sound. His movements are precise and numerous, he reacts to your requests and you are already building the foundations of your future relationship.

What to do at 28 weeks pregnant?

During this 28th week, there is no ultrasound or medical appointment. You could, however, have a childbirth preparation session. If you haven’t started them yet, now is the time!

Pregnancy photo session

At the start of the third trimester, your belly is nicely rounded. And if you take the opportunity to organize a photo session to immortalize your pregnancy ? Too many young mothers regret not having any photos of them pregnant. Calling on a professional allows you to have quality photos and beautiful memories. The future dad will obviously be invited to participate, as will your elders if you wish.

Start preparing the baby’s room

If you haven’t already done so, consider now your baby’s future room: colors, layout, theme, furniture… Know that for the first few months, you don’t need much. Good basics: a cot and a changing table to change your baby comfortably. Also provide bed linen: a fitted sheet and a sleeping bag adapted to the climate and the general temperature of the room. Want to decorate? Feel free to leaf through magazines for inspiration.

Childbirth preparation course

At this stage of pregnancy, you may have already started your childbirth preparation sessions. If this is not the case, do not wait to find out about the different methods that exist. Yoga, prenatal singing, haptonomy, sophrology, classic maternity preparation… There is bound to be a method that suits you. Do not hesitate to ask the opinion of your friends who are already mothers. Know that seven sessions are reimbursed by Social Security so take advantage of it!

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
