27 weeks of pregnancy (29 WA): beginning of the 7th month, 3rd trimester

27 weeks of pregnancy 29 WA beginning of the 7th

The third trimester of pregnancy begins during this 27th week or 29 SA. Start finding out about childbirth preparation sessions and make your next appointments: that of your 5th prenatal visit and soon that with the anesthesiologist. Our advice for this 27th week of pregnancy.

The 27th week of pregnancy or 29 SA mark it all beginning of your 7th month of pregnancy but also your third trimester. Remember to take care of yourself and rest as much as possible, because you will probably start to feel more tired than usual. The opportunity to take stock during your fifth prenatal visit, and to think about the small “technical” details of childbirth. Your baby’s body now has harmonious proportions. He has less and less room in your belly and may have already taken a position that he will keep until birth, head down.

How many months and SA at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

The 27th week of pregnancy corresponds to 29 weeks of amenorrhea or 29 SA. You are now entering your seventh month of pregnancy. It is also the beginning of the third trimester.

What symptoms at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

Hemorrhoids, varicose veins

At this stage of pregnancyit is not uncommon for expectant mothers to suffer fromhemorrhoids. Indeed, the uterus, which continues to grow, tends to compress the veins of the abdomen. Result : blood circulation is bad and this can lead to hemorrhoids but also varicose veins. If this is your case, talk to your doctor or midwife: there are effective local treatments that reduce pain and inflammation.

Ligament pain

Your uterus continues to grow, your pelvis widens and your body produces a higher level of relaxin, whose role is to soften the ligaments. All these phenomena cause ligament pain which may be important in the stomach and in the legs. To relieve them, limit long walks and rest as much as possible.

Fatigue at 29 SA

THE last trimester of pregnancy is often quite tiring. It is therefore important to listen to yourself and rest as much as possible (because it is not after birth that you will recover!). As a reminder, continue to take care of your diet, hydrate yourself enough drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day, taking naps or lying down whenever you can. For long distances, also start limiting your journeys by car: prefer the train or the plane for example if you can, because these modes of transport are less tiring and cause fewer contractions.

Can you have contractions at 27 weeks pregnant?

At 3th trimester of pregnancy, the uterus triggers Braxton Hicks contractions which are “false contractions” in the sense that they have no effect on the cervix and are not labor contractions. They sort of prepare the uterus for childbirth, a bit like a dress rehearsal before the big day.

What weight gain at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

From 27 weeks of pregnancy, you may gain weight faster than in previous months. Baby is growing fast and you take about 400g per week. Be extra vigilant not to let the needle of the scale fly away. You still have 3 months to go before the baby is born!

How is the baby at 27 weeks pregnant?

Development of nervous and respiratory systems. Your baby’s brain continues to develop very rapidly. Myelination of the nerves begins. A layer of myelin, a sort of insulation, begins to cover the nerves. This will continue throughout the third trimester of pregnancy and even after birth, and until the last stage of brain maturation, around 18 years of age. His respiratory system is more and more perfected.

What is the height and weight of the baby at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

your baby, who now measures 32 cm and weighs about 1 kg, begins to feel cramped in your belly. Her little body now has more harmonious proportions.

How is baby moving at 27 weeks pregnant?

Baby is starting to run out of space, so you may feel it a little less. But he can still turn around and does not hesitate for you to kick at any time of day or night. These movements are also a good indicator of its vitality and health. If you notice any changes or you can’t feel baby move anymore for several hours, a control monitoring can reassure you.

What is the baby position at 27 weeks pregnant?

In this beginning of seventh month of pregnancysome children have already turned around to adopt a cephalic position, ie upside down. Some will keep this position until delivery. But others continue to roll over and settle into a comfortable seat. Rest assured: in these cases, there are techniques to encourage the baby to roll over.

When to make an appointment with the anesthesiologist?

During your fifth prenatal visitthe midwife or the doctor who sees you will surely talk about the appointment that you must make with the anesthetist in the maternity ward. This meeting usually takes place in the eighth month. Whether or not you want to give birth under an epidural, this appointment is mandatory for all future mothers. The anesthetist will review your medical history and your previous anesthesias with you. He will also explain to you in a few words how the epidural works. Do not hesitate to ask him all the questions you want. If necessary, he may ask you to do some additional tests, especially on the cardiological level.

The 5th prenatal appointment

This month, you will have to pass your fifth prenatal visit. This appointment is a little more important than the other four because it will allow certain pathologies specific to the third trimester of pregnancy to be detected, in particular high blood pressure. It may also be your very first appointment with the maternity medical team if your pregnancy has so far been monitored by your usual gynecologist or a private midwife.

Should an ultrasound be done at 29 SA?

If you have an ultrasound during the 27thweek of pregnancy, you will no longer be able to see your baby completely, he is now too big! This ultrasound is not yet ultrasound of 3thtrimester, known as “fetal well-being ” which will be the last before birth and will allow measure baby growthbut also to determine its position and examine the placenta.

What are the risks of giving birth at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

Any birth occurring before 37 SA is considered premature. Also, at 27 weeks of pregnancy or 29 SA, the birth of the baby would correspond to a very great prematurity (from 28 to 32 SA).
