27 NGOs petition the Council of State to force the government to protect unaccompanied minors

27 NGOs petition the Council of State to force the

In France, 27 NGOs contacted the Council of State on Tuesday, May 14, to force the authorities to better protect unaccompanied minors (UMAs), these young foreigners who arrive in France without a parent or legal guardian. NGOs seek to force France to respect the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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In January 2023, the committee of United Nations for the rights of the child had condemned the France for the violation of certain points of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. But more than a year and a half later, the associations denounce the inaction of the State and the endangerment of too many minors in the territory. They therefore appeal to the highest court in the country.

Main point denounced to the Council of State by the UN and the twenty-seven NGOs, the situation of young people in minority appeals. When a foreigner is not recognized as a minor and isolated by the departmental services, he can take legal action for a review of his file, but in the meantime, in France, he is left to his own devices.

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The French system is contrary to the Convention on the Rights of the Childlaments Corentin Bailleul, head of advocacy at Unicef ​​France, one of the requesting organizations. It does not guarantee the protection of young people following the appeal, which means that we find ourselves with several thousand young people on the street, in a situation of total deprivation, while a final decision is made on their access, or not, to child protection “.

The international convention on the rights of the child, ratified by France, on the contrary establishes the presumption of minority, so demanded by associations. When in doubt, a young person must be protected. In their request to the Council of State, the NGOs also call for the appointment of legal representatives to assist minors throughout their procedure. Another requirement of international texts.
