250,000 rabbits are to be gassed to death in Spain

After the hottest summer ever recorded in Spain and an extremely dry winter, Spanish farmers are in big trouble. In addition, the drought causes wild rabbits to forage in the fields for lack of fresh grass. Now the authorities have decided to gas 250,000 rabbits to death.

Usually you shoot the rabbit tribe, but when it comes to a quarter of a million, hunters are not enough.

That is why the regional government of Catalonia, which is the part of Spain most affected by the drought, has decided on this drastic solution.

Have become immune

The authorities have given permission to use aluminum phosphate, which emits a toxic gas down the rabbits’ passages, writes The Guardian.

By September at the latest, the rabbit population should have decreased by 250,000. Even before the record drought, the rabbits had become a problem because they had increased explosively.

During the pandemic, rabbit hunting was down and the rabbits have become immune to rabbit plague. Farmers in Spain have long called for serious measures to tackle the problem of rabbits eating their crops.
