The Chinese influencer Zhang Giciluan (25) studied economy in New York and has become known in China through a dating show. Now he has borrowed an advanced robot for around € 1,300 and went on a date with him. The video goes on the Chinese variant of Tikkok, Rednote, viral.
The cover picture comes from Rednote, via SMCP
Whe is that for a robot? The G1 is one of the most advanced humanoid robots in China.
The robot comes from the Unitree company, which is actually known for four -legged robots, especially for robot dogs. In 2022, the company had to deny rumors that their robot dogs were used by the Russian military.
However, the UNTREE G1 is a humanoid robot that was presented in August 2024 for mass production. A robot costs around € 14,000 on sale, but you can also borrow it for around a tenth of the price.
There were also rumors about these robots that he had been spotted with an automatic weapon on his back in Cambodia. But from UNTREE it says: That is not planned.
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Influencer spends a day like in an SF film
The influencer did this with the robot: Zhang borrowed the approximately 1.27 m tall and 35 kilogram robots for one day on March 13. That cost him about € 1,400. It was said that he came up with the idea of SF films in which people live together with robots.
In a video of “My day with the robot” you could see how he gave the robot. It was only on the floor, then got up and greeted the influencer: “Hello, Mr. Zhang, nice to get to know you.”
When asked whether the robot knew who the influencer was, the robot listed the achievements and the number of its followers. Zhang was impressed: the robot had not even started to serve him and already flatter it.
So the date ran with the robot: As the South China Morning Post reports, the robot struggled as a partner.
It is said that when the robot was trying to cook, he opened eggs a little awkward and licked milk. When trying to wipe the milk, G1 was more common with Zhang.
When the two handed the road down the street, the robot had left obstacles. When trying to dance with the robot, he lost control, but at least apologized.
This is what Zhang says after the date: You then ordered 2 drinks and let the evening leak. The robot apologized to Zhang for his shortcomings.
And Zhang said: “I will no longer need a girlfriend who gives me an emotional value.” The robot no longer makes him feel loneliness.
At the end of the video, Zhang told the robot: I will miss you when I give you back tomorrow.
The video quickly received 40,000 likes.
In comments on the video it was said:
If you may smile at the influencer now, it should be said: Maybe Zhang will do everything right. And the 25-year-old is already collecting plus points for the impending robot rule: 70 % of users say “hello” and “please” to chatt, but not only out of courtesy, but also out of fear