25 fallow deer may be shot in Enhörna – allegedly destroyed crops worth a quarter of a million

The County Administrative Board in Stockholm gives thumbs up for protective hunting of fallow deer in Enhörna. This after farmers stated that the animals caused great damage to their crops. One of the notifiers states that a possible consequence if the damage is allowed to continue is that agricultural operations cease.

The permit for protective hunting concerns 25 fallow deer, of which a maximum of three are males, and is valid from December this year until March next year. This also applies at night, even though it is one of the rare cases, as it is the time when the animals are mainly in the fields.

“The hunt must take place in combination with other damage prevention measures, such as: light and sound scares, diversion fields, human presence, scare figures, wildlife protection agents or shots in the ground”, writes the county administrative board as a condition for the protective hunt.
