24 weeks of pregnancy (26 weeks): weight, gestational diabetes

24 weeks of pregnancy 26 weeks weight gestational diabetes

From 24 weeks of pregnancy, you may be required to be screened for gestational diabetes. In which cases? How is the 24th week of pregnancy going? Symptoms, position of the baby, weight gain, development of the fetus… Here is what awaits you at 26 SA.

At 24 weeks of pregnancy or 26 weekshere you are in your 6th month of pregnancy. At this stage, your belly continues to grow and you may experience mood swings related to pregnancy hormones. A few small contractions may also occur, these are braxton hicks contractions, which are completely normal. At 24 weeks of pregnancy, you may need to perform the gestational diabetes screening, recommended for pregnant women at risk. For his part, baby continues his development and begins to blink! How does it feel at 24 weeks pregnant and what to do this week? Our advice to 26 SA.

How many months and SA at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

At 24 weeks of pregnancy or 26 weeks of amenorrhea (26 SA), you continue your sixth month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

Pregnancy symptoms persist in this 24th week of pregnancy. You may experience twitching, mood swings, difficulty sleeping due to the baby’s weight and growing tummy, as well as back pain, stomach pain, fatigue and frequent urges to urinater. Cramps at night are also one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Remember to elevate your legs and pass a stream of cold water to promote blood circulation.

Emotions that are difficult to manage

Under the effect of hormones, your mood is subject to significant variations. You can go from laughter to tears in seconds, and you sometimes find it difficult to manage your emotions. It’s completely normal in sninth month of pregnancy. Remember to rest and above all talk about it around you, to your loved ones, but also to your doctor or the midwife who follows you.

Sensitive teeth during pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, you may find that your gums are more sensitive than usual, or they are bleeding. This is completely normal: this problem is linked to the influence of pregnancy hormones. If you did not consult a dentist in early pregnancy (it is recommended!), this may be the perfect time to have a little dental check-up. From the seventh month of pregnancy, dentists are generally a little more reluctant to intervene. In any case, keep in mind that you should never take medication on your own to relieve dental pain.

How is the belly at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

AT 24 weeks pregnant, your fundal height is about 20 cm. The growth of your belly is exponential and this can start to handicap you in certain daily movements, but also to sleep.

What do Braxton Hicks contractions look like?

THE irregular and painless contractions that you feel are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They are perfectly normal and show that your body is beginning to prepare for childbirth. Your uterus, which is a muscle, contracts and then relaxes. As long as these contractions are not painful and regular, there is no reason to worry. Be careful, however, if their frequency increases or if you bleed, it is better to consult a doctor quickly.

What weight gain at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

There weight gain during pregnancy obeys no rules and can be irregular. At 26 SA you have probably gained between 6 and 7 kilos, not only baby grows but the amount of amniotic fluid increases. Stay vigilant but without unnecessary pressure. The important thing is that you are in good health and make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet.

Screening for gestational diabetes from 24 weeks of pregnancy

During this sixth month of pregnancy, you may need to undergo an additional medical examination. This allows to screening for gestational diabetes, a form of diabetes that appears during pregnancy. This test performed between 24 and 28 SA (between 22 and 26 weeks of pregnancy) is not mandatory, but is recommended for women at risk: age over 35, overweight, history of large babies. The examination consists of absorbing a dose of glucose then taking a series of two or three blood tests at one hour intervals in order to measure the dose of sugar in the blood. This examination takes place in the laboratory. Allow at least 2 or 3 hours because you will not be able to leave the premises between blood tests.

How is the baby at 24 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is getting bigger and heavier. The big news of the week: he can now blink or at least open them up. His lungs are now well developed, but not yet ready to face the great outdoors. Keep it warm again! his bones and skeleton are solidifying and he continues to be very active in your belly.

baby’s lungs

THE alveoli of his lungs are formed and its respiratory channels continue to multiply. Your baby continues to work his lungs by making increasingly frequent and regular small movements. But they are not yet fully operational. We have to wait another good month for them to work properly in contact with air.

Baby is starting to open his eyes!

During this 24th week of pregnancy, your baby begins to be able to open his eyes for a few moments, but he sees very little for the moment. In reality, it’s only her eyelids that are starting to unravel. It’s still the very beginning: in the coming weeks, he will be able to do this movement more quickly and more often.

What is the baby’s height and weight at 26 weeks?

AT 24 weeks pregnantbaby continues to grow: he is now approximately 30 cm and weighs 700 g.

What is the position of the baby at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, baby takes up a lot of space in the uterus and it is at this stage of pregnancy thathe will gradually begin to position himself to have his head down, in anticipation of childbirth. At 26 SA, baby moves a lot and if he hasn’t got his head down yet, he still has plenty of time to turn around.
