230 liters of gin stolen from the bottom of the lake

230 liters of gin stolen from the bottom of the

Published: Just now

full screen Thieves have stolen 230 liters of gin from the bottom of Lake Constance. Archive image. Photo: Marijan Murat/AP/TT

One or more thieves have pulled off a brazen – and likely wet – coup.

At the beginning of August, a steel ball filled with 230 liters of gin was lowered into Lake Constance, which is located on the border between Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Every year, the Swiss company Fishgroup sinks hundreds of liters of spirit into the lake for a special edition with a special “lake aroma”.

The 800-kilogram container was placed at a depth of 23 meters and covered with a black tarpaulin. But when divers 100 days later swam into the lake to retrieve the gin, it was gone. Only the bullet’s imprint in the rich lake bed remained.

The liquor is said to be worth around 40,000 Swiss francs, corresponding to over 440,000 Swedish kronor. Many of the bottles had been sold in advance, radio station SWR reports, but the would-be owners now look set to be without their gin.

“It was completely unthinkable for us that something like this could happen and that there are such brazen people out there,” Fishgroup writes on its website.

The matter has been reported to the police.
