In League of Legends, Dane Rasmus “Caps” Winther (23) is having an unusual run with the champion Nautilus. He plays the support champ in the midlane and has had a lot of success with it: he has a win rate of 92% in SoloQ and has already won 2 games with him in the MSI tournament. Now the biggest midlaners in the world are supposed to be practicing how to pick the pick to show it off at the MSI tournament.
What kind of champ is Nautilus?
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What is it with the mid lane? In 2019, the Chinese team “FunPlus Phoenix” played an outstanding tournament at the Worlds and became world champions. In the final they defeated Caps with G2.
The Chinese team had the outstanding man of the tournament in the midlane in “Doinb”, who was known for playing “crazy picks”.
Doinb could rack up a lot of kills with offensive champs, but he could also play defensive champs like Nautilus and then act as a preparer, for example for his awesome jungle partner Tian, who would then play more offensively.
This is so unusual because mages and assassins are actually played in the midlane. Defensive characters or supports belong in the top lane, in the jungle or on the botlane – just not in the midlane, where “the killers” of a team usually play.
In 2023 Caps is now copying this style from 2019 and is enormously successful with it:
One support midlaner – Caps gets 30 assists in 2 games
How does he succeed? Caps had already dominated the solo queue in Europe with Nautilus as a pick. Out of 12 games as Nautilus, he won 11 – a win rate of 92%.
Now at the international tournament MSI, Caps played “Nautilus Midlane” in 2 games and got an incredible number of assists with the champ. In match 1 Caps played 1-3-20, in game 2 1-3-10.
In both cases, Nautilus works like it used to in FunPlus Phoenix: Nautilus is the assist giver, his jungler gets the kills.
Doinb has already noticed that. He sees this as a tribute to himself and his playing style from before and says that when he is no longer playing professionally he would like to coach G2. They remind him of the good old days.
A fantastic play by Caps:
“I taught him everything!”
This is how his supporter comments: The supporter of G2, Mikyx, also says that they have now trained with Nautilus and are based on Doinb and its 2019 World Cup. Nautilus got buffs recently, Caps dominate with him and in scrims the pick worked.
In all humility, Mikyx takes full credit for making Caps so hot with Nautilus. Caps was pretty amateurish at first, but then he showed Caps how to play Nautilus properly, he says with a smile, and now it’s working.
What are the consequences? In fact, as Dexerto reports, some midlaners who will be playing the MSI have now been caught training with Nautilus. Including Nisqy, Yagao and even Faker himself.
Perhaps Caps managed to single-handedly create a strong trend here.
By the way, from the old G2 team from 2019, apart from Caps, there is only Mikyx and even that has a strange reason:
LoL: European top team G2 kicks out talented 22-year-old – At the request of the new star player