22 weeks of pregnancy (24 weeks): end of the 5th month, advice

22 weeks of pregnancy 24 weeks end of the 5th

If you haven’t done it yet, you could do your morphological ultrasound this week. Symptoms, medical appointments, belly… How does the 22nd week of pregnancy or 24 weeks go? Our advice to approach the end of the 5th month smoothly.

At 22 weeks pregnant, here you are at the end of your 5th month. Your belly is growing more and more, and therefore also weighs more, which could cause back pain. Go at your own pace and try to rest as much as you can to gain some strength for the remaining months. Also take the opportunity to equip yourself by thinking about the accessories you may need at the baby birth. Baby height and weight, fetal development, pregnancy symptoms and weight gain… Here are all our tips for this 22nd week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

The 22nd week of pregnancy corresponds to 24 weeks of amenorrhea (24 SA). You finish your 5th month of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of the 22nd week of pregnancy?

The 22nd week of pregnancy is marked by various symptoms, very different from the beginning of pregnancy, but often common to all pregnant women. You could indeed haver back pain, experience leg cramps and trouble sleeping. The appearance of stretch marks, stomach ache, fatigue as well as the frequent desire to urinate are also part of the symptoms of the end of the 5th month of pregnancy.

stretch marks

Stretch marks are the fear of pregnant women… and are unfortunately difficult to prevent. Some skins are more prone to it than others and are marked from puberty by weight variations and body changes. The most important is tohydrate and nourish your skin with a suitable cream, oil or balm. The ideal being massage the chest, stomach, hips at least once a day from the start of pregnancy. It must become the new essential ritual of your beauty routine! Be careful, however, not to brush on cream before an ultrasound because this could alter the quality of the image for the practitioner.


Second trimester revival, the excitement of baby’s first purchases, nothing can stop you! However, remember that you are pregnant and you have to go at your own pace. On days when you’re tired, don’t feel guilty about resting or taking a nap. You still have a little time before the baby is born, don’t panic!


Some women have a contractile uterus and contractions throughout pregnancy. They are expressed by a hardening of the abdomen for a few seconds. At this stage of pregnancy, they do not affect the cervix but should nevertheless be evaluated if they become painful or are accompanied by blood loss.

Back pain

With your extra pounds and your now round belly, your center of gravity has shifted. Result: you sometimes have the impression of walking like a duck but also, and above all, you have some small back problems. The best thing to do is to rest as much as possible so as not to strain. Avoid carrying heavy loads, put away your high heels and wear a pregnancy belt. The exercise to do: lie down on the ground and try to flatten your back and your pelvis. It will do you the greatest good.

Stomach ache

During pregnancy, stomach ache is a common symptom. Small contractions, ligament pain resulting from the enlargement of the pelvis and radiating to the belly, discomfort similar to menstrual pain, the reasons for this pain are multiple. Without being alarmed, listen to your feelings and talk to your doctor. If the pain in the stomach becomes more intense and you observe a loss of blood or liquid, it is an emergency, consult quickly.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the 2nd ultrasound

The 22thweek of pregnancy is the deadline to pass the second pregnancy ultrasound, called morphological ultrasound. It will allow to examine in detail the baby’s anatomy, its development and the amount of amniotic fluid. Another major event, you will discover (if you wish!) the sex of your baby.

What weight gain at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage of pregnancy, you should have gained about 5kg, even if there is no weight gain ideal during pregnancy. This will of course depend in particular on your starting weight. The most important thing is to eat healthy, varied and balanced. Your body needs energy from which baby will draw in order to grow well. Weigh yourself during the monthly visit, but without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your doctor will be able to advise you and refer you to a nutrition specialist if the weight gain is too great.

How is the belly at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage of pregnancy, your belly is far from going unnoticed. It takes shape and you feel the benevolent eyes on you in the street. Your uterus continues to grow and the fetus now has the size of a papaya!

How is the baby at 22 weeks pregnant?

How far your baby has come in just a few weeks! Increasingly active and reactive with his environment, your baby likes to explore his surroundings with his little hands.

  • his eyebrows are now well defined.
  • his eyelids too, even if they still remain closed.
  • His iris begins to pigment (but it will be necessary to wait until birth to discover the your baby’s eye color).
  • As for his little fingers, they have small fingernails.
  • Her hair also continue to grow.
  • As for his skin, it’s all wrinkled: nothing could be more normal since your baby has been living in the water for more than five months now.
  • Fortunately nature is well made and the vernix caseosawhich covers it entirely, protects it perfectly.

22 weeks of pregnancy: what size and weight of the baby?

Your baby is now 0.5 kg for a height of approximately 26 cm.

First purchases for the birth of a baby: what do you need?

Bed, bassinet, changing table, stroller, carrycot, car seat, baby carrier…the shopping list is long! You will indeed need a certain number of essential equipment for the baby’s room and for the house.

Before rushing to the store, take the time to establish a precise list of what you need right now, and what you can buy later. Also ask your entourage: you surely have a friend or a sister who can lend you some childcare equipment. Also think of promotions on the Internet or private sales which are often an opportunity to make very good deals.
