22 soldiers sentenced to death for fleeing from M23 rebels

22 soldiers sentenced to death for fleeing from M23 rebels

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), at least 22 soldiers have been sentenced to death. The Butembo Garrison Military Court, sitting in the Lubero flagrante delicto trial in the far north of North Kivu, found them guilty of ” cowardice, dissipation of war munitions and looting “.

2 min

With our correspondent in Goma, Heir Baraka

This is a new death sentence in the east of the DRC in a context of tensions due to the advance of the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda.

The verdict was delivered early in the afternoon of Monday, July 8. The 22 soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) were sentenced to death, after four days of hearings before the military court sitting in a mobile court in Lubero, in particular for fleeing from the M23 rebels.

Read alsoDRC: Uganda’s support for M23 rebels highlighted by new report from UN experts

This conviction will serve as an example and should encourage the population to denounce the soldiers who commit abuses against the population.

We even told the population: if you notice that there are soldiers who are behaving in violation of the law, do not fail to report it to the prosecutor’s office. We will not fail to take action to prevent them from continuing their actions. Whether it is me or the population, we are satisfied. “, said Captain Kahumbu Muhasa Mélissa, first substitute military auditor at the military court of the Butembo garrison.

For the defense, justice has not rendered the right. Maître Jules Mveko specifies that they will appeal.

As counsel for those who have been convicted, we find that justice has not properly delivered the verdicts. Thus, we claim to appeal within the time limit. “, he was keen to emphasize.

Since the beginning of July, at least fifty-three soldiers have been sentenced, five soldiers acquitted and four soldiers’ wives acquitted, according to Major Byamungu, president of the Butembo garrison military tribunal.

Read alsoDRC: 25 soldiers sentenced to death for “fleeing before the enemy”
