21-year-old Pihla Kaivo-oja continues in show style in the Olympic ring – “Not the slightest bit out of breath” | Sport

21 year old Pihla Kaivo oja continues in show style in the Olympic

Pihla Kaivo-oja, a young Finnish boxer who made her debut at the Olympics, made it to the top 16.

Joel Sippola,

Anu Karttunen,

Manu Myllyaho

22:39•Updated 23:16

Paris Olympics on channels 26.7.–11.8. Go to the competition website here. You can find the entire program of the games here.

A boxer competing in his first Olympics Pihla Kaivo-oja advanced convincingly to the top 16 in the 50 kg category. The Finn softened his 1st round opponent Margaret Tembo clearly 5–0.

Kaivo-oja dealt good blows to the Zambian from the first round. The Finn clearly moved better than his opponent.

– This match has been straight from Pihla’s screen, ‘s experienced boxing commentator Christer Sarlin glowed.

Sarlin continued to rave after the match.

– Pihla has given such a display to her competitors that she is out of the picture. There is not the slightest breathlessness, Sarlin interpreted the Finnish boxer’s essence.

Kaivo-oja coach Maarit Teuronen happily cheered his protégé after the match.

– There were some incredibly cool things that have been trained and done, and he was able to bring them to that ring. There is always room for improvement, there is always room for improvement, but I am satisfied, Teuronen said.

Kaivo-oja got off to a really impressive start to its Olympic tournament, but the opposition will be much tougher next. He will face the United States in the quarterfinals Jennifer Lozanowho is ranked sixth in the tournament.

– I’m looking forward to a very good match, Teuronen said with a big smile.

– He is shorter and left-handed, so keeping a distance would be the key word again. If we have a good day, he is a very suitable opponent.
