21 year old MMORPG gets new class, let you swing the moon as a werewolf

It is time for our Meinmmo format “MMORPG news in two minutes”. We summarize the most important reports about the best genre of the world. Look forward to The unveiling of important appointments, unexpected comebacks, large community successes, freshly published updates and more.

The highlights of the week:

  • Last weekend there was a winner at the current World First Race in WoW: The War within. The US guild Liquid was able to send Gallywix to the boards on mythically at the 100 pull. With echo and method, only two more guilds have made it. Meinmmo congratulates! You can find the current status of the race on Raider.io.
  • A guild from exploiters could do the current end boss from WoW well in front of Liquid. Blizzard reacted quickly in both cases. The banned counterattack cheekily and show their exploit.
  • Blizzard celebrates the franchise’s birthday that she has made famous for the past 30 years: Warcraft has turned 30, World of Warcraft 20 years old. Meinmmo was able to speak to the bosses for the anniversary and gave a little memories – but also experienced exciting details from behind the scenes.
  • For Throne and Liberty, Update 2.2.0 was released on March 19, 2025. The patch includes primarily corrections, for example for the season rewards of dimension tests and the incorrect behavior of some bosses. The patch notes can be found on PlayTroneeandliberty.com.
  • What else happened? Over the past 28 years, the South Korean company NCSOFT has established itself as one of the most important operators of online role-playing games-keywords: Guild Wars 1 + 2, Lineage 1 + 2, Aion and Blade & Soul. For some time now, however, the publisher and developer has been crisis, and this is largely due to the PC MMORPGs.

    NCSOFT’s hopes are now on Aion 2:

    Aion 2 shows the gameplay of the MMORPG in the trailer

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    On April 10th, the future of Elder Scrolls is shown online

    This happened with the large MMORPGs:

  • Phase 8 of the WoW Classic discoveries starts on April 8, 2025. You can find all the details on Worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com.
  • 4 dungeons from World of Warcraft were generated, mythical+ is now even easier.
  • After 20 years, the legendary weapon Ashbringer from WoW will finally get a quest.
  • What do you do with players who have demonstrably used unauthorized cheats in an MMORPG like World of Warcraft to get an advantage? Distribution and distribute the sholled performance and punish punishment. The Chinese publisher from WoW does even more.
  • Comfortable from the WoW community: If children look at World of Warcraft, it can be very cute-but also very shocking, as some parents reveal.
  • Warm from the WoW community: A guild from WoW has dissolved after 20 years. The community can empathize with it and focuses on a member of the ground destroyed.
  • Nostalgic from the WoW community: A player shows how to play dungeons and raids in 2005-the community celebrates the memory.
  • From March 27, 2025 to April 3, 2025, the Feast of the Fools runs online in Elder Scrolls. You can find all details on EldersCrollsonline.com.
  • On March 25, 2025, Patch 7.2 will be released for Final Fantasy XIV and brings many new content. However, the update also disappears the possibility of getting the most popular shop item free of charge. In addition, the special page was expanded again this week, via Final Fantasyxiv.com.
  • Unlike Janthir Wilds, the next expansion of Guild Wars 2 should not be released in August. Instead, the developers of Arenanet plan a launch in October 2025.
  • On April 10, 2025, the ESO Direct 2025 will take place in which fans of the MMORPG find more about the new content and seasonal seasons of Elder Scrolls online (via EldersCrollsonline.com).
  • The MMORPG Black Desert Online is still one of the most beautiful games in the genre. A few days ago, the developers delivered a hardcore server, but it doesn’t even feel so hardcore for fans. In addition, on March 20, 2025, there was an update with the final of the Atoraxion saga and the toughest monster hunting zone to date.
  • On March 26, 2025, the next content update from Lost Ark is going online. Also at the start: new memories, improved registration letters, transformation skins and the return of “Goldener Frosch” with a chance of relicurums. You can find out more on YouTube, in the current issue of Eye on Arkesia:
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    This happened with the small MMORPGs:

  • The SCIFI MMORPG Entropia Universe is known for high real money transactions. However, these usually refer to properties, buildings, weapons or other in-game investments … and not to the account service from support, for which one apparently also has to pay in certain cases.
  • The move from the old 32-bit to the new, more modern 64-bit server by Lord of the Rings Online was unfortunately a frustrating experience for many interested parties. Now one of the managers has revealed the main reason for the many problems: significantly more players wanted to move their characters than hoped.
  • On June 27, 2024, the servers from Archeage went offline forever. Really all? Well, at least the European and North American worlds. And that is exactly what opens an exciting opportunity for everyone who wants to play on an English client.
  • As a Trion Worlds published in April 201 Defiance, the developers almost had a revolutionary plan: the MMO should be in a constant interaction with the TV series of the same name. In practical terms, however, it never worked. Now there should be a comeback of the Scifi game.
  • For Everquest, the celebrations for the 26th anniversary started. Bonus-XP, gifts and much more are waving. You can find all the details about the party at Everquest.com.
  • On March 19, 2025, a new update for Star Trek online was published. Also included: Part 2 of the 2025 event campaign. You can find the Patch Notes on Playstartrekonline.com.
  • On April 15, 2025, the MMORPG Lineage 2 gets a new class: the werewolf that strikes with claws in the fight and inflates the moon. The class is linked to a new server, and a new region and fresh content awaits you there. You can register in advance on lineage2.com and thus tap Goodies. You can see a first teaser below:
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    This happened in development at the MMORPGs:

  • Thanks to the enormous success in Asia, the MMORPG Odin: Valhalla Rising will definitely come to us in the West. Now the developers have revealed more details about the release in a FAQ.
  • On March 20, 2025, a new update for the early access version of The Quinfall went live. The developers provide solutions for server and connection problems, increased server capacities, countless bug fixes and various gameplay improvements. They also provide a scalable server infrastructure. You can find the patch notes on Steam.
  • The Early Access version of the MMORPG Reign of Guilds has received update 0.95.176. Also included: a fundamental revision of the tutorial, new event and quest systems and much more. The patch notes? On Steam!
  • On March 19, 2025 there was 0.16.141. An update for the early access version of Pantheon. Fans of the MMORPG expect all kinds of class changes and bug fixes. You can find the patch notes on Steam again.
  • The Kickstarter campaign from Stars Reach expires in a few days and the developers were able to collect more than 555,000 euros instead of the targeted 183,321 euros. By reaching the latest milestone, the community was able to unlock the people of the fairies.
  • We have summarized the most important thing that lasted in the world of MMORPGs.

    What were you happy about this week? What have you been annoyed about? Write it to us in the comments. If you are looking for a moody but informative all-round for online role-playing games, be sure to have a look here: Report, Columns, Talks and the top list of the best MMORPGs ever-that was the themed week of MeinMMO
