21 competitors at Chatham-Kent Plowing Match

21 competitors at Chatham Kent Plowing Match

The Chatham-Kent Plowing Match, held in the Blenheim area this past weekend, is being billed as a success, organizers say.

Taking place at Jim DeBrouwer’s farm on Eds Line, Saturday’s event welcomed 21 competitors, along with a team of horses.

Stephanie Richardson, secretary of the Chatham-Kent Plowmen’s Association, said she was pleased with the response, as well as the conditions.

“The weather is really beautiful. We really lucked out that way,” she said. “The turnout has been great. We had more plowmen than expected and way more spectators than we thought would come out.”

Richardson credited the host farm, calling it a great location for the various activities.

While there weren’t really any new features this year, she said the aim was simply to “get things back to some sort of normal” with the competition.

The winners of each plowing class each took home $75.

Also featured were the Chatham-Kent queen and princess of the furrow competitions.

The 2022-24 queen of the furrow is Rebekah Ball of Dresden, while the princess of the furrow is Meg Avery, also of Dresden.

This year’s International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, which Chatham-Kent hosted in 2018, will take place in North Grenville, located south of Ottawa, from Sept. 20 to Sept. 24.


Class 1 – Ladies

1st – Rebekah Ball, Dresden

Class 2A-S Antique Trail Plow

1st – Richard Elliott, Strathroy

2nd – Ken Milligan, Strathroy

3rd – Jack Elliott, Strathroy

4th – Winston Roberts, Toronto

Class 2B-S Antique Mounted Plow

1st – Mike Lassam, Tillsonburg

2nd – Brian Helkaa, Strathroy

3rd – Paul Hodgson, Ailsa Craig

4th – Doug Smith, Strathroy

5th – Rolland Sterling, Merlin

Class 2B-J Antique Mounted Plow

1st – Cameron Vos, Alvinston

Class 4 – 2 Furrow

1st – Rob Sterling, Blenheim

Class 5-S – Ontario 2 or 3 Furrow

1st – Kody Vandevenne, Sombra

Class 5-J – Ontario 2 or 3 Furrow

1st – Luke Wardell, Strathroy

Class 6 – CK 3 Furrow, <21

1st – Kyle Ross, Thamesville

2nd – Wyatt Ball, Dresden

Class 7 – CK 3 Furrow, 21+

1st – Brandon Crow, Thamesville

Class 9 – 4+ Furrows

1st – Jim DeBrouwer, Blenheim

Class 11 – Novice

1st – Noah Burggraaf, Blenheim

2nd – Titus Burggraaf, Blenheim

Class 12-A – Horse, Sulky

1st – Russell Rogers, Essex

Best Plowed Land at the Match

Rob Sterling

Junior Special

Best Land <15 – Kyle Ross


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