Month: January 2025
With the return of extreme cold and increases in energy prices, a tip allowing you to heat yourself at a lower cost with candles is enjoying growing success on social networks. But is it really effective?
With the return of extreme cold and increases in energy prices, a tip allowing you to heat yourself at a lower cost with candles is enjoying growing success on social…
Be careful if someone leaves you a voicemail about an important event that will change your life! Do not call the number again, it’s a new scam that can cost you dearly.
Be careful if someone leaves you a voicemail about an important event that will change your life! Do not call the number again, it’s a new scam that can cost…
Cash payment refused: this forgotten rule could avoid scandals in stores
If they do not respect this obligation, customers may have their cash payment refused: the merchant is within his rights. Cash payments with large denominations often pose problems for merchants.…
These gentlemen are perfect (or almost): discover the candidates for Mister France 2025, a funny election
Discover the portraits of the 30 candidates for the Mister France 2025 competition, an election more confidential than Miss France, but just as astonishing! They have keen eyes, shiny hair,…
DIRECT. Monfils – Shelton: follow the match
This Monday morning, Gaël Monfils faces the whimsical American Ben Shelton in the round of 16 of the Australian Open. An opposition between two players which promises to be spectacular.…
These two devices must never be plugged into the same socket, be careful of the risk of fire!
While a socket or power strip can be very practical, certain devices should never be plugged together as this could cause a fire. Widely installed in our homes for several…
Getir’s founder Nazım Salur made a new “Mubadala” statement
The Competition Authority allowed the takeover of Getir by Mubadala. Nazım Salur continues to share on this important issue. Getir was brought to the agenda with the biggest decision of…
Iren renews the partnership with Radio Italia Winterland Tour 2025
(Finance) – Iren electricity, gas and services renews its collaboration as Main Partner Of “Radio Italia Winterland Tour 2025“, which starting tomorrow, Saturday 18 Januarywill visit 8 important Italian ski…
the unfolding of a ceremony like no other – L’Express
Donald Trump’s teams had to revise their copy at the last minute, or almost. Initially planned outdoors on the Capitol esplanade, the inauguration ceremony of the 47th President of the…
Child protection, largely forgotten in the Macron years: why the account is not there
Not found. On December 23, when the Secretary General of the Elysée Alexis Kohler listed the names of the new ministers in the Bayrou government, Childhood was not mentioned. The…