Month: November 2024
No trains between Utrecht and Arnhem all weekend due to construction
The work will take a total of 76 hours. According to ProRail, this is nice to see for residents and travelers. That is why the railway manager has set up…
The prosecutor closes the criminal investigation into the shootings of chimpanzees that escaped from the zoo in Sweden | News in brief
The zoo had been granted permission to kill the monkeys, as it was an emergency situation. The Swedish prosecutor’s office says it will close the preliminary investigation into the shootings…
NHL champion candidate from Dallas with rare style – the club boss opens a decisive turning point for EPN | Sports in a nutshell
Self-reliance is gold in the NHL’s salary cap world. If you think about how, in the previous five years, Dallas has reached the conference finals twice and the Stanley Cup…
Many hear about new tire rules: “Concerned”
– Many, especially older people, get in touch and feel insecure and want us to check their tires, says Tony Laine at Tire and rim center in Jönköping. About 40…
The climate scientist is acquitted – the juror active in climate politics
Participated in road blockades • Criticism: “Confidence in the judicial system is damaged” A climate scientist who participated in road blockades is acquitted in the district court because he was…
Truls Möregårdh’s revelation: “It’s a bit messy”
During the 2024 Olympics in Paris looked for Truls Möregårdh into the hearts of many Swedes – but he was not the only one. Someone who was talked about for…
Jan Böhmermann’s departure from ZDF? On RTL+ he sends controversial satirist on a trip to the USA
RTL+ is currently the home of comebacks. First it was Stefan Raab, now it’s Sebastian Hotz. The latter drew negative attention to himself with a tweet a few months ago…
15 tips for beginners on how to survive more rounds
Zombie mode in Black Ops 6 can be very complicated if you’re playing it for the first time. We will therefore show you 15 tips for beginners. These tips are…
between 400 and 600 people involved, what we know
A brawl involving several hundred people took place on the evening of Thursday October 31. Five people were seriously injured, including at least three minors. Halloween night turned into a…
Smokers beware! The risk of lung cancer is 30 times higher
At a press conference held in a hotel on the occasion of 1-30 November Lung Cancer Awareness Month, hosted by the Dance with Cancer Association, experts shared information about risk…