2024 will be the year of Opera: the sector restarts in style

2024 will be the year of Opera the sector restarts

(Finance) – On December 7, 2023 the lyrical singing It has been recognized by UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanityat the end of a journey that began in 2011: among the motivations, the deep connection with national identity of lyric singing, which allowed the Italian language to spread globally. Terms such as the same “work”but also “adagio”, “crescendo” and “moderato” have in fact entered the musical language and exported to the dictionaries of different languages.

Opera is also a powerful economic induced: according to an approximate figure, elaborated by the Sole 24 Ore, every euro invested in opera returns between 2 and 2.5 euros. Fulvio Macciardi, president of Anfols (the association of lyric foundations) and superintendent of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, declared that “where there is an opera theatre there is a direct and induced impact on the GDP. In Germany, where the diffusion is more widespread, where there is a theatre the GDP is higher by two points”

Second Agis, the Italian General Association of Entertainmentthe total number of workers busy in the opera houses is 16,838 units, of which 7,724 with permanent or fixed-term contracts and 9,114 artists and technicians hired from year to year. The path of remediation of the opera system, which began in 2013 with the Bray law, is therefore at an excellent stage: in this perspective, we must think about how much the 324.8 million which were in 2022 provided by the State, Regions and Municipalities to the 14 foundations and to 16 (out of 29) traditional theatres.

2024 is a special year for lovers of bel canto: in fact, it occurs on centenary of the death of Giacomo Puccinia distinguished composer and author of some of the most performed operas in the world. And it is the year in which the beauty and importance of opera can once again play a central role in the varied menu of modern entertainment, returning to being that art form capable of embracing all segments of the population that it has been since its inception.

In Rome, The Ideal Citya cultural association that has been proposing cultural devices in the city outskirts for almost a decade, has placed the work at the centre of many projects: the next one is inside the September Review between Pigneto, Prenestino and Centocelle. It is precisely the streets of the V Municipio that between September 23rd and 26th will be crossed by “99 Variations of Nessun Dorma”from Turandot by Maestro Giacomo Puccini. The Maestro Francesco Leinericreator of the community specific project, will go around the streets of the busy Roman suburbs playing a piano placed on top of a van: the notes of the Turandot They will resonate loudly in the neighborhoods until they overwrite the annoying noises of everyday life, the horns, the ambulances, the screams, to set a moment of universal beauty in the disorder of everyday life and give citizens an unusual awakening.

This is just one of the events of the Festival (for info, www.lacittaideale.eu), which hosts other musical-themed events: from “Symphonic Dialogues” at the Villa Gordiani Park, dedicated to the “Operiets” until “100 Voices”the innovative format dedicated to choral singing that brings almost one hundred young artists from all over Lazio to perform in Rome’s parks, singing a cappella the songs that have marked the contemporary history of Italian and international music.

The format will also return during the event Champion Barwith the story of iconic athletes and their personal history inside the popular and historic bars of the Capital.

From 2017 to today, The Ideal City has proposed more than 300 events, almost 20 original and innovative formats meeting the praise of thousands of people and bringing their projects throughout Rome to cover 9 different suburbs.

“The Ideal City is approaching its tenth year of activity – comments the Artistic Director Fabio Morgan -, we have therefore decided to prepare ourselves in advance for an even larger dimension than that seen so far. This year, after the summer break in August, we will return in September with several appointments with some of the formats that have managed to enter the hearts of our audience more than any other. Not only new dates, but also different locations that allow us to fully cover the municipalities in which we operate and that support us, with the aim of becoming more and more “Multizonal” to allow everyone to enjoy our content in an increasingly transversal and increasingly simple way. We owe it not only to ourselves but also to all the people who constantly renew their affection for our reality”.
