2024 Olympics. France – Egypt: trailing, the Blues are in great danger, the match live

2024 Olympics France Egypt trailing the Blues are in

After two consecutive defeats (Denmark and Norway) at the 2024 Olympics, the French handball players are led by bold Egyptians. Follow the match live.

20:21 – Desbonnet close to saving (23-24)

New Egyptian goal! After a block from Adel, Elderaa finds the hand of Desbonnet who deflects into his net.

20:20 – Konan on the bench (23-23)

For pulling Ahmed Adel’s jersey, Karl Konan left his teammates in numerical inferiority for two minutes.

20:19 – But yes Dylan! (23-23)

New French equalizer thanks to Dylan Nahi who goes on the counter.

20:18 – An offering! (22-23)

What a pass from Melvyn Richardson who finds Valentin Porte in the post. On his right wing, the Frenchman deceives Mohamed Aly!

20:17 – Omar stumbles on Desbonnet (21-23)

Supporting shot from Yahia Omar which finds Remi Desbonnet in the trajectory.

20:16 – Great match from Aly (21-23)

While he was discreet during the second act, Mohamed Aly made his return with a save on Melvyn Richardson.

20:16 – Mem and Karabatic are back! (21-23)

After the time-out, Dika Mem and Nikola Karabatic are back !

20:15 – Time-out (21-23)

Another loss of the ball on the French side which benefits the Egyptians who score on the counter thanks to Hesham. Guillaume Gille calls his time-out ten minutes from the end of the match.

20:13 – Two gifts (21-22)

Thanks Melvyn! After Remili lost the ball, Richardson fell back and intercepted the ball. In the process, El Masry didn’t find the target.

20:12 – Ahmed Adel is back! (21-22)

The Pharaohs regained the lead after a goal from Ahmed Adel, assisted by Yahia Omar.

20:11 – Fabregas again! (21-21)

Blind pass from Nedim Remili to Ludovic Fabregas who finds the opposing net.

20:10 – Hesham blames himself (20-21)

After a defensive misunderstanding, the Blues let Hesham present himself alone in front of Desbonnet but the full-back did not cross his shot.

20:09 – Last fifteen minutes (20-21)

With fifteen minutes left in the game, Egypt leads by one goal with possession to come.

20:08 – Untenable Zein (20-21)

After a goal from Melvyn Richardson from 9 meters, Ali Zein gets past Valentin Porte by passing his arms before beating Remi Desbonnet.

20:07 – Elderaa again (19-20)

Yehia Elderaa gives the advantage back to the Pharaohs.

20:06 – Equalization (19-19)

Yahia Omar loses the ball and Prandi launches Remili who deceives Mohamed Aly on his right. The Blues are back with more than fifteen minutes to go in the match!

20:05 – The Arena is on fire! (18-19)

Timeout called by Egypt after an interception by Karl Konan and a counter-attack goal by Valentin Porte.

20:04 – Anger (17-19)

After a goal from Ali Zein, Karl Konan defends Yahia Omar well and harangues the crowd.

20:02 – Nahi exults (17-18)

Injured in the adductors, Dylan Nahi remains on the field and deceives Mohamed Aly at the near post.

20:02 – Two minutes (16-18)

Two minutes of exclusion for El Massy after a voluntary foot on a pass from Prandi to Fabregas.

20:01 – Lenne is writhing in pain! (16-18)

Bad Egyptian block and Remi Desbonnet quickly launches on Yanis Lenne. Taken by Ali Zein, the right winger twists his right ankle and screams in pain. He is taken off the field by Elohim Prandi and Melvin Richardson.

19:59 – No goal (16-18)

The ball bounced off the line and the Blues attacked again. Served by Prandi, Fabregas lobbed Aly and set the Arena Paris Sud 6 alight.

19:58 – Requested video (15-18)

Yahia Omar sends a missile onto Remi Desbonnet’s bar and the referees stop the match to check if the ball has crossed the line.

19:57 – -3 (15-18)

Two goals in a row for the Blues! After a goal from Fabregas, Desbonnet makes a save and passes to Nahi who beats Mohamed Aly on the counter.

19:55 – Kung-fu! (13-17)

What a move by the Blues! Nedim Remili finds Elohim Prandi who deceives Aly. Kung-fu from the French players who come back to four points.

