2023 fuel bonus: application and payment, what deadlines?

2023 fuel bonus application and payment what deadlines

FUEL ASSISTANCE. The deadline for payment of the fuel bonus of 100 euros will be delayed by several days. We will explain everything to you.

[Mis à jour le 17 février 2023 à 14h28] To support low-income households in the face of rising fuel prices, the government has decided to introduce a fuel bonus of 100 eurosto replace the rebate at the pump dating from the end of 2022. This compensation must be claimed on the tax website using a online form. It relates to 10 million people who use their vehicle to get to their place of work, and responds to certain income conditions (see below). The deadline for claiming this aid has been extended. You now have an extra month, until the end of March to make your request. On the other hand, delays could occur concerning the bank transfer. The payment should reach your bank account within 10 to 14 daysagainst 8 initially planned.

At the same time and faced with the new rise in fuel prices – the price per liter could cross the symbolic bar of 2 euros in the coming days – the oil giant Total should offer a new boost in the form of a discount. The company says it is “ready to consider” a new rebate on fuel prices. Information received “favourably” by government spokesperson Olivier Véran: “we hope that every effort can be made to reduce the cost of fuel at the pump for the French” he also declared at the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday February 8. A rebate which could come into force as soon as the price of a liter of fuel exceeds 2 euros. The amount , and the specific conditions have not yet been determined by the group’s CEO, Patrick Pouyanné.

To benefit from this new 2023 fuel allowance, it will be necessary to complete a form on the tax website available from January 16, 2023 with three elements:

  • Your tax number
  • Your license plate number and registration number
  • A sworn statement that you use your vehicle to go to work

If you do not have access to the online form, you can make your request by telephone at 0.806.000.229, Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 7 p.m., or at the nearest tax office.

This “fuel aid” will concern 50% of the poorest French households, who need their vehicle to go to work. This represents about 10 million people. The owners of two wheels will also be able to benefit from it, in the same way as the self-employed and civil servants. Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids will also be part of the scheme.

This allowance is paid per person and not per household. Each member of a modest couple who uses their vehicle to go to their place of work can receive aid of 100 euros. A couple can therefore benefit from 200 euros of fuel aid in 2023. To obtain this aid, it is necessary to justify a reference tax income per share for the year 2021 less than or equal to 14,700 euros. To find out if you are eligible, here are the income limits put in place by the government to determine the beneficiaries of this exceptional assistance:

  • < 1,314 euros net/month for a single person
  • < 3,285 euros net/month for a couple with one child
  • < 3,285 euros net/month for a single person with two children
  • < 3,941 euros net/month for a couple with two children
  • < 5,255 euros net/month for a couple with three children

The amount of the fuel allowance is 100 euros for the year 2023. It can amount to 200 euros for a couple who works and whose two members use their vehicle to go to their place of work. This represents a gain of 10 euro cents per liter of fuel, on average, for someone who travels 12,000 kilometers per year, which is the average French person.

The new fuel allowance worth 100 euros, the request for which is open from January 16, 2023, must be claimed before a deadline. Indeed, if you are one of the beneficiaries, you have until Tuesday, February 28, 2023to manifest yourself, by filling in the application form on line.

As planned by the government, the fuel discount of 30 euro cents per liter has been reduced to 10 euro cents of November 16 to December 31, 2022. The discount offered by Totalit went from 20 centimes to 10 euro cents, on the same schedule. These two grants ended on December 31, 2022. Here are the dates to remember for government aid:

  • Fitness 30 euro cents from September 1 to November 15, 2022
  • Fitness 10 euro cents from November 16 to December 31, 2022
  • Deleted from December 31, 2022
  • New fuel aid paid in early 2023
