2022 World Cup: 56 matches already played!

2022 World Cup 56 matches already played

Contents of Radio Foot this Thursday, December 7 at 4:10 p.m. GMT (5:10 p.m.): World Cup in Qatar: 56 matches already played, more than eight before a nation raises the Holy Grail. What first conclusions can we draw from this? General atmosphere, happy supporters, level of the selections, the favorites at the rendezvous?

– Does the extended additional time change the game? The average of the three minutes of surplus largely exceeded! Seven, eight, nine…additional minutes have already been allocated. Can this lead to a small revolution in the management of a match?

– Eden Hazard puts an end to his international career! Back on a course made of disillusions with the Red Devils. How did we get here ?

To discuss it with Annie Gasnier, our consultants of the day: Jean-Philippe Bouchard, Ludovic Duchesne and Patrick Juillard – David Fintzel – Technique/Direction: Laurent Salerno.
