2022 tax declaration: the deadline is approaching! For who ?

2022 tax declaration the deadline is approaching For who

DECLARATION OF INCOME 2022. The deadline for filing your tax return is already set for tomorrow, Tuesday May 31 for some. Are you concerned? What is the deadline if I declare online? With my form? The news.

[Mis à jour le 30 mai 2022 à 14h47] Still haven’t completed your tax return? You better hurry because the tax office may well issue penalties for late filing! Sanctions regarding the amount of income tax due in the summer in the form of surcharges, from 10% if you have never received a formal notice, up to 40% in the event of a formal notice and more than 30 days late. Be aware that beyond a period of 30 days delay in completing your tax return, new late payment interest of 0.2% of the amount of tax you will be charged per month of delay. Important, once the amount of the increase reaches 40%it is no longer possible for the taxpayer in question to benefit from the tax reductions to which he is entitled.

As of tomorrow, Tuesday May 31, 2022, it will be too late to complete their tax return for many taxpayers. Two categories are involved. Those who have chosen the paper tax return, and those who have opted for an online tax return and who reside in zone 2, in other words, in the departments between Corsica (2A and 2B) and Meurthe -et-Moselle (54). If you fall into these two categories, don’t waste any more time! Go to the tax website to complete your declaration. Let us recall that despite the establishment of the withholding tax in 2019, you are still required to complete your tax return, whether automatic or not. You must verify the information pre-filled by the tax authorities to avoid any errors.

The declaration campaign was launched on April 7 to allow all taxpayers to complete their tax return online or in hard copy. Please note, after the deadline, it will no longer be possible for you to declare your income received in 2021. Go to the tax website for the vast majority of taxpayers to complete your tax return, or through one of the forms offered for those who do not have a sufficient internet connection, or for retirees who simply cannot perform this operation. Here is the complete schedule of deadlines to remember for this 2022 declarative campaign:

  • May 24, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.: departments n° 01 to 19
  • May 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.: departments n° 20 to 54
  • June 8, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. : departments n° 55 to 974/976

Regarding the paper tax return for the year 2021, the deadline has been set for May 31, 2022.

For 10 years now, the tax authorities have been responsible for pre-filling your tax return using the information at their disposal such as the amount of your salary, your retirement pension or your unemployment benefits. Proof of its democratization, in 2021, more than 11 million taxpayers have benefited from it. But then, how do you know if you can benefit from this automatic tax return ? It is offered to tax households that were taxed last year solely on income pre-filled by the administration. If you made a online declaration in 2021, an email should be sent to you with the possibility of checking all your information from your private space. On the contrary, if you have declared your income in paper version last year, a letter will be sent to you with the new tax declaration and all the necessary documents presenting this new automatic declaration system.

Attention, despite the practical and extremely up-to-date nature of this service, we advise you to check all the information that the tax authorities have sent you. In the best case, everything is correct, you don’t have to do anything more, your tax return will be automatically validated, that’s the principle. However, it may happen that small typos slip into your declaration, or that certain information must be modified. We naturally think of a tax credit, the declaration of actual expenses or professional expenses such as mileage. If a change is required, you will need to complete and sign your tax return as usual. As a reminder, don’t wait any longer to complete your tax return if you plan to opt for the paper return! The deadline is approaching, it is already scheduled for next week! Indeed, after May 19, 2022, you will no longer be able to fill it out. So don’t be fooled, go to the tax website now.

You must declare your income to the tax department each year if you live in France. In 2022, online reporting is mandatory if your home is connected to the internet. Otherwise, you can use a form. You benefit from additional time if you file your declaration online. If your situation has not changed in 2021, you may be exempted from making this declaration, it will be made automatically by the taxes.

In 2022, you can declare your income on paper form if you are in one of the following situations:

  • Your main residence does not have internet access
  • It is equipped with internet access, but you are not able to make your declaration online

Before signing your declaration, you must check the information provided and, if necessary, correct and complete it. You must attach supporting documents to your paper declaration only if they are documents drawn up by you. We advise you to keep the supporting documents for 3 years in the event of a request from the administration.

If you file your tax return in paper format, you must use the pre-completed return received between April and June 2022. Depending on your situation, this return may vary. Here are the links to these paper declarations if you wish to download them:

Declaration 2042

Declaration 2042-C
