200 refugees move from Holland Casino to Kamp Zeist

200 refugees move from Holland Casino to Kamp Zeist
In the council letter, the municipality makes a distinction between four types of reception. The first is the crisis shelter, which is about one to thirty days. This concerns care for the first month in anticipation of more sustainable care. The level is emergency shelter with Bed, Bath, Bread. This reception can take place, for example, in a hotel or in a host family.

After that, the municipality speaks of emergency shelter, from zero to six months. This concerns care with a (shared) living unit, sleeping area, day room/dining room, toilets, shower and laundry room and no or central washing and cooking facilities. Possible locations are temporary office spaces, empty school buildings, holiday parks, sports halls or hotel ships.

Then there is the regular reception, where people can stay for three to 24 months. These are regular reception places that are available for a longer period of time. This shelter is aimed at independence. In addition to the facilities in the above category, there is also a possibility to cook and wash. Residents manage their own household together.

Finally, the municipality refers to a ‘residential space’. This category looks at more sustainable solutions for living space. In addition to independence, sustainability of availability is key here.
