20-year-old woman sentenced to 12 years in prison – acquitted of murder

On December 20, a 17-year-old boy is murdered at a bus stop in Marielund in Norrköping with several shots from close range, including in the head.

A month earlier, on November 15, several shots are fired through a door to an apartment in the same city where eight people are said to have been, but no one is said to have been hit.

And in the days before the murder, several burglary attempts were made at different addresses in the city, in what the police believe is the origin of attempted similar acts.

Suspected contract killing in a gang environment

Chamber prosecutor Anna Hjorth links the people shot in the classified murder attempt, the stairwells where the burglary attempts were allegedly made and the 17-year-old murder victim to the same side in the gang conflict that has shaken Norrköping for over a year. And in the investigation it appears that the same weapon that was used on November 15 also fired the fatal shots.

Behind all the events, the prosecutor suspects a 20-year-old woman, who, according to the indictment, must have arranged a meeting with the 17-year-old boy via an ad he posted to sell a pair of headphones. And the prosecutor also believes that the woman must have been hired as a torpedo by the rival gang in the city.

But on Thursday, the Norrköping district court announced that the woman was sentenced to 12 years in prison for attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences, including for the shooting through the apartment door, to which she also allegedly pleaded guilty, but that she was acquitted of the murder.

Neither witnesses nor weapons from the murder

According to the verdict, the woman is acquitted of the murder, even though it is considered proven that she must have lured the boy to the scene and that she was there at the time of the murder, as it is beyond reasonable doubt that she is the one who shot the boy. This as there is neither any witness who has seen the actual shooting nor any murder weapon that has been found.

– And her version that she did not shoot and did not know that he was going to be shot will not be disproved, says district court chairman, lawyer Lars Holmgård.

And in addition to the woman, a 24-year-old man is sentenced to 14 years in prison for planning two attempted murders, the first of which the woman allegedly fired shots at an apartment door, and a 16-year-old boy to closed youth care for one year and four months for a another attempted murder, where several shots are said to have been fired through the front door of a terraced house instead.

However, all three shootings are also linked by the district court to the ongoing gang conflict in Norrköping.

The text is updated.
