20-year-old argues in an MMORPG, flies 1,400 kilometers and attacks his enemy with a hammer

In the MMORPG ArcheAge, an argument between a 20-year-old and a fellow player of the same age has escalated. One of the men is now facing charges of attempted murder and armed burglary.

This is what we know about the crime:

  • Two men got into an argument in the MMORPG ArcheAge. It is not known exactly what happened. However, the man later accused, 20-year-old Edward Kang, says that the other person was “a bad person online.”
  • As the police discovered, Kang booked a flight from Newark, New Jersey, to Jacksonville, Florida. That’s about 1,400 kilometers – the flight takes 4 hours.
  • Once at his destination, Kang checked into a hotel and bought a hammer and a flashlight from a hardware store – we know this because the receipts were found in his hotel room. He then went to “his enemy’s” house in Fernandina Beach and tried to kill his “enemy.”
  • Dressed all in black and carrying a hammer, he attacks his victim

    This is how the attack went: According to a report (via yahoo), King was dressed entirely in black and wearing a mask. He entered the victim’s home through an unlocked door and attacked the victim with the hammer as he was about to go to the bathroom.

    The victim screamed for help and woke his stepfather.

    Together, the two were able to disarm, wrestle and overpower the attacker.

    In a picture in the Yahoo report, you can see the blood-stained murder weapon. It was not a war hammer or anything like a weapon, but actually an ordinary craftsman’s hammer, the kind you can buy anywhere.

    Attacker told family he wanted to meet an “old friend he knew from a game”

    This is what happens to the attacker: Kang has checked into the Nassau County Jail and is charged with armed robbery and attempted second-degree murder, cases that have no real premeditation and are more likely to injure the victim than murder.

    Kang had told his family that he was flying to Florida to meet “a friend he met years ago in a video game.”

    According to the police, the perpetrator and victim never met in real life before the attack.

    This is what the sheriff says: The sheriff in charge says that when he arrived, he found a considerable amount of blood in the entrance area of ​​the house and in the bedroom. The victim suffered “serious wounds” to his head from the attack, but has since been released from the hospital.

    The sheriff says the investigation is ongoing and the charges could become more serious.

    Kang also allegedly asked him how much time in prison he would have to serve for the burglary and robbery.

    The Sheriff: “I would say, Mr. Kang, it will be a long time before you can play video games again.”

    The MMORPG ArcheAge, which is the subject of this article, will be discontinued in a few days: What should you play after the end of the MMORPG ArcheAge? 2 private servers tempt
