20 weeks of pregnancy (22 weeks): the 2nd ultrasound

20 weeks of pregnancy 22 weeks the 2nd ultrasound

It is from the 20th week of pregnancy (22 SA) that the morphological ultrasound takes place, which notably makes it possible to confirm the sex of the baby! How’s it going ? How does the fetus develop at 22 SA? We take stock of this 20th week of pregnancy.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy or 22 SA, your body continues to transform to make room for the baby, who also continues to develop. He moves more and more, his brain is forming and he is more receptive to stimuli that come to him from outside. During this 20th week of pregnancy, you will also be able to observe your baby during the second pregnancy ultrasound. It allows you to check that everything is fine, but also to confirm baby gender. You will finally know if you are pregnant with a girl or a boy ! Here is what awaits you during this 20th week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 20 weeks of pregnancy?

The 20th week of pregnancy corresponds to 22 weeks of amenorrhea or 22 SA. At this stage of pregnancy, you are in the middle of your fifth month of pregnancy.

What weight gain at 20 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage of pregnancy, you gain about 1.5 kg per month. It is recommended not to exceed 6 kg at the end of the 5th month of pregnancy. But it all depends on your base weight and your BMI.

How is the belly at 20 weeks of pregnancy?

You are halfway through your pregnancy, and your body really begins to change. Your pelvis expands to make more room for your growing baby. Your belly is now significantly rounded, for your greatest pleasure.

The fetus is the size of an artichoke!

Your uterus is gradually taking up more space (it now has the size of an artichoke or a melon!), even if it means slightly compressing the lungs (which can create some shortness of breath).

How is the 2nd pregnancy ultrasound going?

During your 5th month of pregnancy, you can plan to spend your second pregnancy ultrasound also called ultrasound morphological. Moreover, it is between the 22nd and the 24th week of amenorrhea, that is to say between 20 and 22 weeks of pregnancy that it is recommended to carry out this 2nd echo. Morphological ultrasound makes it possible to check the proper development of the fetus and to rule out any risk of pathology or growth retardation. The doctor will take the opportunity to check the placenta, amniotic fluid, limbs, fingers and toes as well as the baby’s organs, including the sex. So you will know if it is a little girl or a boy!

What symptoms at 20 weeks of pregnancy?

weight gain during pregnancy, increase in blood volume (20 to 30% more all the same!)… so many upheavals that can create small physical disorders. You can start having Back ache for example: think about resting, or going for a few lengths in the pool to relieve yourself If you feel particularly tired, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about it: you may have a lack of iron. He can prescribe a food supplement if the deficiency is proven.

Lower abdominal pain or contractions?

If you feel a hardening of your belly for a few seconds then a release, it’s a pregnancy contraction. At this stage, they are generally painless and have no effect on the cervix, we speak of Braxton-Hicks contractions. Watch them all the same if you have the impression that they intensify or that they are accompanied by loss of blood or fluid. It is therefore better to consult quickly.

What to do against circulatory problems or heavy legs?

Due to increased blood volume, you may suffer from some blood circulation problems : heavy legs, cramps… If this is the case, be sure to elevate your feet several times during the day. When you’re in the shower, run a stream of cold water up from the ankles to the hips.

What is baby’s height and weight at 20 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is now about 23 cm tall and weighs between 380 g and 400 g.

How is baby growing at 20 weeks pregnant?

  • The fetal brain is developing very quickly.
  • His senses are also becoming more refined: taste, touch, smell… His taste buds, in particular, are increasingly efficient. He likes the sweet taste very much. Remember to vary your diet to make him discover the maximum of different tastes.
  • Don’t hesitate to stimulate him by talking to him, making him listen to music, caressing your belly…
  • Her body begins to take on more harmonious dimensions.
  • His head seems less disproportionate to the rest of his body.
  • His muscles are getting stronger.
Ultrasound photo of a fetus at 20 weeks pregnant © bartovski-123rf

Baby moves a lot at 20 weeks pregnant

Your baby is now able to move all his limbs, and he takes the opportunity to do somersaults in all directions in your belly. But he also sleeps a lot, between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. a day. As for the sexual organs, they continue to mature: you can even find out your baby’s gender during 2nd trimester ultrasoundif you wish of course!

What to do at 20 weeks of pregnancy or 22 SA?

During this 20th week of pregnancy, it is also the time to make an appointment for the visit of the 5th month of pregnancy. It’s a routine visit: weight gain, blood pressure check… Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you want, especially if you have just had your ultrasound.

Also consider, if you haven’t already done so, notify your employer of your pregnancy. You can talk together about your next maternity leave and its organization, a possible adjustment of your schedules and your working conditions.

Finally, during the 5th month of pregnancy, remember to ask your complementary health insurance about the support for your maternity stay.

If you have the need and the time, the 20th week of pregnancy is the perfect time to start making your childcare purchases, or any other accessories necessary for the birth of baby. And why not him prepare a nice roomnow that you know the gender?
