20% increase! More than 18,000 “irregular migrants” have been deported in France since New Year’s Day

20 increase More than 18000 irregular migrants have been deported

Darmanin touched on the Immigration Law, which the government plans to present to the National Assembly at the beginning of 2023, on the CNEWS channel, where he is a guest.

Noting that more than 18 thousand irregular immigrants have been deported in France since the beginning of the year, Darmanin said this is a 20 percent increase compared to last year.


“For the future, what interests me is how I will deport an additional 4,000 people, not because they are foreigners, but because they are criminals and foreigners.” said.

Pointing out that half of the 120,000 people who were “obliged to leave the French lands” objected to this decision, Darmanin pointed out that they wanted to reduce the number and duration of the right to appeal with the Immigration Law. (AA)
