20 degrees warmer in one hour – record breaking in Årrenjarka

It was during Sunday that one of the fastest and strongest weather changes in living memory struck.

The Mannberg family in Årrenjarka near Kvikkjokk in the Jokkmokksfjällen were watching the skiing from the Tour de ski on TV when gentle winds swept in from the west.

It couldn’t be missed.

– All the windows slammed shut. It fogged up all the windows, says Gun Mannberg.

45 degrees warmer in two days

The village had received a lot of attention just a few days before with the record of 43.6 minus degrees – the coldest that has ever been measured in the village and was then the coldest official record in Sweden in 25 years.

On Monday morning, Årrenjarka was the warmest in the country with 0.5 plus degrees. But now new weather changes are expected as strong winds move into the mountains.

In the clip, Gun Mannberg tells how she has experienced the rapid temperature increase of almost 45 degrees.
