20/8 – Honey Day

On August 20 every year, we celebrate this liquid gold that not only tantalizes our taste buds but also carries a rich history and healthy benefits. Join us as we take you through the background of this gooey holiday and give you tips on how to celebrate it in the most delicious way.

The background to the day of the honey

Honey Day is not just an excuse to munch on some delicious dishes; it’s a day that celebrates the work that bees put in to produce the golden nectar we love. With origins stretching back thousands of years, honey has been an important part of mankind’s diet and medical care. In addition, it has symbolized togetherness and love in different cultures all over the world.

In Sweden, beekeeping and honey production have a long tradition, and in recent years the interest in organic and locally produced honey has increased.

How is Honey Day celebrated on August 20?

Celebrating Honey Day isn’t just about dipping your finger in a jar of honey (although that’s irresistible too). Here are some ways to make the day memorable:

  • Visit local beekeeper: Take the chance to learn more about beekeeping by visiting a local beekeeper. Not only do you get to experience the bees at work, but also an opportunity to buy fresh, locally produced honey.
  • Honey Beauty: Honey is not only good for the stomach, it is also good for the skin! Pamper yourself with a honey-based face mask or body scrub to enjoy its natural moisturizing properties.
  • Learn about the life of bees: Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the biology and behavior of these small, industrious creatures. It is fascinating to understand how they work together to create the wonderful honey.
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