1st round, 2nd round, deadlines… The complete calendar

1st round 2nd round deadlines The complete calendar

Registration on the electoral lists, applications, official campaign… Find the key dates of the 2022 legislative elections.

The legislative elections take place a few weeks after the presidential election, and this year take on a singular importance: the re-election of Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace does not guarantee him a presidential majority in the National Assembly; the two opposition blocs, that of the left which is formed around Jean-Luc Mélenchon and that of the nationalist right intend to organize themselves to obtain many deputies. Their objective is to embody a credible alternation, a counter-power, Jean-Luc Mélenchon even nourishes the ambition to obtain a majority which would allow him to be essential for Matignon… Here are all the dates to remember for this election , which will send 577 deputies to the National Assembly.

May 4 and 6: deadlines for voter registration

French citizens who are not yet registered on the electoral lists of their municipality have until Wednesday, May 4 to do so online. They will still be able to take the steps by mail or at the town hall until Friday, May 6. To register, you must be at least 18 years old on the eve of the election and hold French nationality. Registration requires proof of identity and proof of address.

May 20: deadline for submitting applications for the 1st round

The candidates in the first round of the legislative elections, as well as their substitutes, will be able to submit their candidacy to the prefecture from Monday May 16, and until Friday May 20 at 6 p.m. Candidates and substitutes must be at least 18 years old and of French nationality. The candidate must also appoint a financial agent.

May 30: opening of the official campaign

The official campaign always opens two weeks before the first round. From this date, radio and television channels must ensure respect for equal speaking time between the different political forces. Locally, town halls must make poster spaces available to all candidates.

June 4: 1st tour in French Polynesia and abroad

Polynesians and Polynesians, as well as French people living abroad, will be the first to cast their ballots in the ballot box for the first round of legislative elections, which will be anticipated by one week compared to mainland France.

June 11: 1st round in several DROM-COM

Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon will vote one day before the French in mainland France.

June 12: 1st tour in metropolitan France

Voters will vote by constituency. This is a majority uninominal ballot: each voter will support a candidate (and his alternate). To be elected in the first round, you must collect more than half of the votes cast and at least 25% of the number of registered voters. Otherwise, the two candidates who came first are qualified for a second round, as well as the candidates who obtained the votes of 12.5% ​​of those registered.

June 14: submission of applications for the 2nd round

The interval between the two rounds can see the withdrawal of certain qualified candidates in the 2nd round in favor of better placed candidates, in the case of triangular or quadrangular. Those who remain will therefore have to submit their application again to the prefecture before June 14 (included).

June 18: 2nd round in the DROM-COM and French Polynesia

Overseas will vote again one day ahead of mainland France, in constituencies where no candidate will have obtained an absolute majority in the first round.

June 19: 2nd round in metropolitan France

At the end of this second round, each constituency will have elected its deputy (and its substitute) and we will know the overall composition of the National Assembly.

June 21: end of the mandate of the Assembly elected in 2017

The deputies who currently sit in the National Assembly will see their functions end on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, except for re-election. The newly elected deputies will then be able to officially take up their duties.
