1st round, 2nd round… and after! The complete calendar

1st round 2nd round and after The complete calendar

The French are called to vote on April 10 and 24, the dates of the first and second rounds of the presidential election. They will be able to choose from among 12 candidates, 4 women and 8 men. We come back for you on the calendar of this presidential election 2022.

[Mis à jour le 28 mars 2022, à 18h20] This is the home stretch of the presidential campaign. Only 13 days left before the first round of voting on April 10. And the candidates are not mistaken there, they put the last blow of collar in their meeting. Indeed, yesterday, Eric Zemmour gathered, according to his words, 100,000 people on the Place du Trocadéro in Paris. Marine Le Pen was, for her part, in the Antilles, this weekend, where she was heckled by opponents, when she was to do a duplex interview for France 3. In Marseille, Jean-Luc Mélenchon held a meeting on the Prado beach, wanting to convince voters still undecided that his victory was not a “utopia”. Emmanuel Macron will, meanwhile, hold a meeting in the largest room in Europe, at the Paris La Défense Arena, on Saturday April 2, and has also set up “a competition” to attract as many people as possible. possible: “The rule is simple: the 400 people who invite the greatest number of participants will be the winners of the competition”, proposes the Macronist party, presenting this campaign as a militant “challenge”. “To do this, you have an invitation link that is personal to you: send it to all your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours… Each person who registers thanks to you will increase your chances of winning. As soon as their ticket is validated at the entrance to the meeting, your effective sponsorship will be counted”, further details LREM.

The names of the 12 contenders for the supreme title have been known since March 7, 2022, the date on which the Constitutional Council officially unveiled the list of candidates for the presidential election who succeeded in obtaining the 500 sponsorships necessary to submit their candidacy before March 4. March. Since March 8, the date on which the Official Journal published this list, the media have been required to respect equal speaking time between the different candidates. Then come the dates of the presidential campaign, the elections, the investiture… To find out more, browse our paper dedicated to the main dates of the electoral calendar.

What date of the presidential campaign?

The official campaign began this year on March 28, 2022, in application of the rules governing the holding of the presidential election under the Fifth Republic: the official electoral campaign must indeed open on the second Monday preceding the first round of ballot, and that it ceases the day before the ballot. It should be noted that there is also a “reserve period” during which the members of the government must refrain from any travel in the exercise of their functions so as not to interfere in the electoral campaign: it began on March 18.

In fact, the candidates begin their “unofficial” campaign much earlier, by organizing meetings, TV speeches, meetings with the French. They are, however, required to respect the official launch date of the official campaign for the first round… But also that of its closure, April 9, 2022, the date on which the media are no longer authorized to publish electoral polls, while the candidates can no longer express themselves either in the press or publicly. To take into account the time difference, the end of the official campaign for the first round in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, in French Polynesia and in the embassies and consular posts located in the Americas (including Hawaii) is April 8, 2022.

What are the dates of the presidential elections?

The 2022 presidential election is the 12and of the Fifth Republic and the 11th by direct universal suffrage. The ballot is called a two-round first-past-the-post system. The first round, which will take place on Sunday April 10, 2022, aims to clear two candidates who compete in a duel in the second round, unless a candidate wins an absolute majority of the votes cast in the first round (more 50% of the vote). The second round takes place 14 days later, on Sunday April 24.

To take into account the time difference, voters in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and French Polynesia vote on Saturday April 9 for the first round and Saturday April 23 for the second round. This electoral calendar had been definitively presented by Gérard Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, during the Council of Ministers on Tuesday July 13, 2021. On April 27, 2022, three days after the second round of the election, the Constitutional Council must validate the results of the election and officially proclaim the name of the new president of the French Republic.

What are the dates of the presidential debates?

This year, the debates are taking place in a rather special context since one of the candidates, outgoing President Emmanuel Macron, did not wish to participate in the debates before the first round. This means that, if each of the 12 men and women who are candidates for the presidential election can present their programs to the French for several months in the media, they cannot on the other hand debate all together before the first round. This choice of Emmanuel Macron is not, however, unheard of for a president since none of his predecessors under the Fifth Republic, i.e. the presidents in office who ran for a second term, took part in a debate before the first. tower. The only exception was in 2017, when François Hollande, the outgoing president, did not represent himself: TF1 had hosted the first televised debate of the presidential election on its set before the first round of the ballot. It took place on March 21, 2017 and welcomed the five leading candidates in the polls for a debate of nearly 3 hours. But this year, following Emmanuel Macron’s choice not to participate in the debate proposed by BFMTV, candidate Marine Le Pen also canceled her visit: the non-stop news channel thus preferred to cancel the special presidential evening (which was to take place on March 23). However, an important debate took place: that of TF1 on Monday March 14, 2022: it was a major political evening bringing together the eight main candidates for the presidential election. Emmanuel Macron participated, but without debating.

What is the date of the inter-round debate?

Before the second round of the presidential election, the televised debate between the two rounds takes place. Appeared in 1974 during the confrontation between Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and François Mitterrand, it has become a tradition. This year, it should be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, according to several reliable sources. In 2017, took place on May 3, 2017 and opposed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. The audience had been 16.5 million viewers, the lowest audience since the introduction of this type of debate.

What is the President’s inauguration date?

The investiture of the new President of the French Republic is fixed ten days after the second round of the presidential election in France, at the latest on the last day of the mandate of the outgoing President, unless there is a vacancy in the following a resignation or death. This investiture designates the transfer of power between the outgoing president and the elected president, but also that of all the traditional and formal, civil and military devices. It takes place during an official ceremony marking the start of a new term of the president who will be elected at the end of the second round, set this year for April 24, 2022. If there is no precise rule on the course of this investiture, the person who won the April 24 election will however have to agree on a date with his predecessor. The five-year term of the current president, Emmanuel Macron, will end on May 13, 2022: this date is therefore the deadline for the newly elected candidate to take office.

Date of submission of campaign accounts

The filing of campaign accounts is the last deadline for this election. It is set this year for June 24, 2022. It is under the authority of the Constitutional Council that the candidates will be obliged to submit to this rule, as in the last elections. The goal is for the 9 members of this Council to validate these accounts, to allow candidates to be reimbursed according to their score. This reimbursement is in fact conditional and not everyone will be able to benefit from it in the same way: if it amounts to 47.5% of the expenditure ceiling for those who obtained more than 5% of the votes cast in the first round, for those who would have obtained a lower score, the amount reimbursed drops to 4.75%.

What are the dates of the legislative elections?

This year 2022, the legislative elections will take place on Sundays June 12 and 19. The dates of the votes are adapted to French people living abroad and from French Polynesia: the first round will take place for them a week in advance compared to mainland France, to take into account the geographical distance. As for the overseas departments and communities, they will vote on the Saturday preceding the election in mainland France. The purpose of the French voters’ vote is to appoint 577 deputies for a 5-year term, including 11 deputies who represent the French living outside France. The 577 constituencies within the framework of which the election of each deputy takes place are delimited by the electoral code within each department, according to the size of the population. Legislative elections are systematically organized the same year and the month following the presidential election since the introduction of the five-year term and the inversion of the electoral calendar decided in 2001. As a reminder, the deputies are elected by universal direct ballot uninominal majority to two rounds per constituency.

Calendar of the return to parliament

According to the provisional calendar of the Assembly, its work was interrupted on Sunday February 27, 2022. Thus, since February 28 and until the election of the deputies of the XVth legislature, there are no meetings, no committee , or public meeting. It should be noted, however, that the 15th legislature will only be closed at the same time as the mandates of the deputies elected for five years, i.e. in June 2022; this is called the “Republican vacancy” period. It allows MPs who wish to stand for re-election to campaign in their constituencies without this overlapping with their current mandates: this is important for the election period to take place under good conditions.
