19/5 – National Gastrointestinal Day

195 National Gastrointestinal Day

May 19th is National Gastrointestinal Day, a day that aims to raise awareness of gastrointestinal diseases and promote health and preventive measures.

This day brings attention to the many who live with conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

How is National Stomach and Intestine Day celebrated on May 19?

National Gastrointestinal Day offers an opportunity to spread knowledge about symptoms, treatments and lifestyle changes that can improve the quality of life for those affected. The day is also a time to encourage research and support for those working to find better treatment methods and cures.

National Gastrointestinal Day is a great opportunity to highlight the importance of digestive health and to support those living with gastrointestinal disease.
