18 years old, mocked, insecure… Who is the school killer in Uvalde, Texas?

18 years old mocked insecure Who is the school killer

UVALDE. The mass killer who murdered 19 children and 2 adults at a Texas school on May 24 is a teenager identified as Salvador Ramos.

[Mis à jour le 23 mai 2022 à 9h26] The American media has spent the past few hours trying to accurately portray Salvador Ramos, the 18-year-old who carried out the Uvalde school massacre in Texas, killing 19 children and two adults. He was identified by the police who shot him during the operation deployed in the public establishment. Salvador Ramos was an American citizen, who attended Uvalde High School, described as introverted, having few friends, and obviously fascinated with firearms. According to information from CNN, the young man had created an Instagram story, only three days ago, with images of two assault rifles. He had also sent photos of a gun and an ammo bag to a classmate last week. “I’m very different now. You wouldn’t recognize me,” he reportedly wrote, according to CNN.

CNN managed to contact another friend of Salvador Ramos, who described the ties – very loose – he had created with the young man in recent months. He portrayed a young boy having difficulty integrating in high school, who often skipped class and was marked and touched by many mockeries. According to him, he was the subject of a form of rejection because of the clothes he wore. Salvador Ramos lived in a very modest family, in the precarious situation was known.

The Texas school killer, a “lonely” teenager

According to information from the New York Times, the young man had worked for a year, until April, in a fast food chain in Uvalde. A fast-food manager told the outlet that he “did everything he could to keep himself alone. No one really knew him.”

Salvador Ramos at school to kill children and their teacher

We now know that Salvador Ramos drove to the school in Ulvade and acted alone, without complicity. The action and the motive are still very uncertain, the American media have already indicated that he had shot his grandmother, at her home, before perpetrating the massacre in the school. Police said the elderly woman was hospitalized in critical condition. Salvador Ramos killed 19 years and 2 adults at the school, including the teacher of the targeted class. Texas Governor Greg Abbott told reporters that investigators were determining “the type of weapons used and whether he had the legal authority to possess them.” According to the San Antonio Express News, which relies on sources close to the investigation, Salvador Ramos would have legally bought a semi-automatic rifle last week and had procured at least 375 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition.
