18-year-old shot into family’s apartment – sentenced for attempted murder

One March evening last year, an apartment in the Uppsala district of Stenhagen was shot at with three bullets. The shots entered through a family’s kitchen window, but none of the three people in the home were hit.

Neighbors then saw a fur-clad person run from the scene and get into a car that accelerated away at high speed.

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  • Stopped by police

    A short time later, a car was stopped by a police patrol, and two people were in it – a 17-year-old boy and a 25-year-old man – who were suspected of the crime.

    In the district court, the younger man was convicted of having fired the shots, but the court did not consider that it was a question of attempted murder as, according to it, there was no concrete danger that the family would be hit by the shots.

    Judged by the Court of Appeal

    The Court of Appeal does not agree, but sentences him to three years of closed youth care for attempted murder. The older of them, who prosecutors have argued drove the shooter to the scene, was acquitted of assisting in both the district court and the court of appeals. Both have still denied wrongdoing.

    The background to the shooting is unknown.
