Logical puzzles, memory tests, general knowledge and spelling tests… These reality TV candidates took part in a unique experience. But the result of intelligence tests is uncertain.
On Monday, December 9 at 7:50 p.m., W9 will unveil a new event program which promises to shake up the codes of reality TV by plunging 18 very popular candidates from the small screen far from their comfort zone. These ancient glories of Secret Story, The Marseillais, The Angels and others Love Islandwill have to immerse themselves in the “Brain Academy” and confront intellectual tests to test their abilities and their general knowledge.
The concept of The Brain is simple but formidable. For several weeks, these personalities will abandon their dream villas for school. On the menu: two teams (Alpha and Beta) compete in intellectual challenges, including logical puzzles, space-time problems, the search for intruders, memory, general knowledge and spelling tests.

Once is not usual, they will therefore have to rack their brains, but also devise strategies and form alliances to win the tests which will be imposed on them. Any misstep will be severely punished by the “checker”, an implacable arbiter who will not let any error go unpunished. And the penalties are severe: trap door in the ceiling releasing insects, tank of ice water, or even paint lance!
The challenges will take place in the “big room”, under the watchful and cold eye of a dean! Each week, the team that loses the game will have to sacrifice one of its own during a voting ceremony. The latter will risk leaving the competition during an elimination duel. Only the brightest and most cunning will manage to evade the traps of this competition.
The last five candidates will embark on an enigmatic race through Paris, during a river trip on the Seine, to try to win the “Golden Brain”. On a barge moored at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, the candidates will go through four elimination stages, until only two candidates remain. These two finalists will then challenge each other on the steps of the university for the “Ultimate Duel” during which a final enigma will crown “The Brain”, “the greatest brain in reality TV”!
Obviously, the second or even the third degree was not forgotten during filming, the candidates being more accustomed to defending their talents in physical or seductive tests when they are not distinguished by assumed stupidity. In addition to headliners like Carla Moreau (Les Marseillais vs Le Reste du Monde) or Vincent Queijo (La Bataille des Couples), The Brain will bring together other emblematic figures of reality TV: Benoît Dubois, winner of Secret Story 4, Anaïs Camizuli, Eddy and Vivian. The channel unearthed atypical profiles with Jonathan who claimed to have “Einstein’s IQ” in SS3, Julie the hypermnesiac from season 8 or even the ambitious Maïssane who loudly claims to have “147 IQ”. Enough to offer us some great intellectual confrontations! Or not.