The deadline for making your declaration is approaching for a large part of the French.
It causes anxiety as much as it has been simplified in recent years. The income declaration must be made by all French people before the deadline set by the State. An administrative formality that is not always easy to carry out. If many forward-looking taxpayers have already completed the form, whether online or in its paper version, those who have not yet done so should not delay.
The deadline is fast approaching for a large part of the population and it is better to mark the date in red on your calendar to avoid a fine. Because in the event of a delay, the tax authorities will not fail to sanction you and the bill could quickly be steep.
It must be said that the 40 million people who are obliged to detail all their financial resources to the tax authorities have had the opportunity to do so since mid-April. An e-mail or paper letter was sent to everyone by the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP), detailing the procedure to follow as well as the timetable to respect. However, almost half of taxpayers must hurry to finalize their declaration.

Indeed, for all people living in departments whose number goes from 1 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze), as well as for all French people not residing in France, you must have submitted your declaration to the Post Office or have validated it online no later than Thursday May 23 at 11:59 p.m. Final straight line therefore for these taxpayers, who only have one week left to complete the different boxes of the form.
Furthermore, residents of Corsica and departments 21 (Côte-d’Or) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle) must also hurry. Even if they have a little extra time, everything must be sent to the administration before Thursday, May 30 at 11:59 p.m. at the latest. Therefore, 18,239,000 people must comply with this obligation by the end of May.
Failure to do so exposes you to financial sanctions, calculated by the DGFiP. If you forget to declare before the deadline but you do so within a reasonable time and on your own, the amount of tax you will have to pay will be increased by 10%. If the tax authorities are obliged to send you a formal notice, the bill will be increased by 20 to 40% depending on the deadline within which you complete the formality. In addition, late payment interest of 0.2% per month will be applied.
For example, a person who does not declare on time but does so a few days later and who owes 1000 euros to taxes will ultimately have to pay 1102 euros to compensate for their delay. If this same person declares two months after the deadline and receipt of a formal notice, the total amount will be 1204 euros. It is therefore better for your bank account to have the calendar in mind.