For many people, the new MMORPG “Ashes of Creation” is the most exciting Western MMORPG that is not exactly behind Amazon or Riot Games. The founder Steven Sharif contacted us at the end of 2023 with a Christmas message: The next big alpha without NDA is planned for 2024, but it will still take some time.
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Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Freehold Update
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Next alpha without NDA only in the 3rd quarter of 2024
What is the next milestone? In a Christmas message to fans in the Discord, Steven Sharif dated the next big test phase of his MMORPG for the 3rd quarter of 2024. Alpha 2 should start here and take place again without an NDA, then you will be able to hear and see more of the game again.
This message encourages fans: As Sharif announced, the developer has now grown to 170 people – there is an enormous amount of manpower behind it.
Sharif says 2023 was a year of setbacks for the gaming industry, with many losing their jobs. He says Intrepid tried to provide a home for some of those laid off who were looking for a new MMO.
The MMORPG wants to continue to grow in 2024 and hire people who lost their jobs in 2023.
Pre-sales for packages granting access to Alpha 2 are ending
How can you play this? Anyone who still wants to get into Alpha 2 will probably have to hurry up. Sharif, being the marketing man that he is, says that they actually have enough players for Alpha 2 and therefore no longer want to offer pre-order packages that secure access to Alpha 2. The current offer expires on January 17th.
The cheapest package that grants access to Alpha 2 costs $250 – that’s perhaps always the catch with the project that sounds so great: the business methods behind the game have often been critically questioned. If you want to test and be part of the Ashes of Creation community, you have to pay as much as you would otherwise for several full-price titles: The 5 most promising new MMORPGs for 2024 and beyond